King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937



Honoring D . L . Moody Through the celebration in 1936 of the fiftieth year of the founding of the Moody Bible Institute and the centenary of the birth of its founder in 1937, the life and ministry of D. L. Moody, the outstanding evangelist and Christian educator, are be­ ing appropriately recognized. A widely observed “Moody Day” is being planned for February 7, 1937, on which date at least one thousand churches and pastors are expected to unite in spirit, honoring the memory of that warrior of the cross who kindled spiritual fires in countless hearts. It is hoped that many will find salvation and others be awakened to fervent service for Jesus Christ by this Jubilee observance. A. F. Gaylord, Director of the Centenary Celebrations, will send without charge two arresting books, The Shorter Life of D. L. Moody, by Paul D. Moody and A. P. Fitt, and Why God Used D. L. Moody, by R. A. Torrey, to each pastor who will prom­ ise to join in observing the day. A supply of the Moody Centenary Song Book will be provided without charge. The Director may be addressed at 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111. J. A . Huffman Assumes New Duties Formerly Dean of Theology in Marion College, Marion, Ind., J. A. Huffman has recently accepted the office of Dean of Taylor University School of Religion in Upland, Indiana. He also retains his posi­ tion as Dean of the Winona Lake School of Theology. Taylor University is a non­ sectarian, evangelical institution “ devoted to the advancement of the kingdom of God.” With the capable and consecrated leadership of Dr. Huffman, it is expected that this new department of Taylor Uni­ versity will strengthen the already wide­ spread influence of this school. Saved in the Home o f Onesiphorus A Chinese boy, Tsui Day, writing to friends in America, has expressed his grati­ tude for the Home of Onesiphorus, a Chris­ tian institution in Shantung, China. “When I was about five years old,” he writes, “my mother died, and at that time my suffering was unspeakable. I felt that there could never be another one who could love me as my own dear mother had done. I thank God because He did not leave me in the world as an orphan. Some one sent me to the Home of Onesiphorus. If God had not mercifully saved me from my very dis­ tressing condition, I am sure that I would not be living today. How precious it was of God to use His servants to build up this home in Shantung where I could be taken in and saved 1 “ I have now finished the second year of the Junior Middle School and am learning a trade which will enable me to make a liv­ ing when I go out into the world. If I had not been taken into' this home, no doubt I would have followed the devil in the road to destruction. I am so glad that God has made me to know the truth and to taste the goodness of His salvation.” The American headquarters of the Home of Onesiphorus is 2811 Racine Ave., Chi­ cago, 111. . -

IS IT NOTHING TO YOU— that there are two million Jews in New York City with­ out the gospel, that the majority of the thousands or Jewish students— the leaders of tomorrow—are sinking into materialism and agnosticism? The Jew today is dissatisfied with Judaism, is spiritually hungry and is open to the Gospel message. THE NEW YORK JEWISH MISSION is a faith work, seeking to meet this tremendous challenge by aggres­ sive open air evangelism, chapel meetings, and per­ sonal work among students and others. Subscribe for this bi-monthly organ, the Jewish Mis­ sionary Magazine. $1.00 per year (foreign $1.25). Sample copy free. THOMAS M. CHALMERS 2654 MARION AVENUE ■ ■ NEW YORK CITY, N. Y.


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in THE


OF John Just what every teacher of the International Lessons needs in preparing to teach lessons which are in this gospel for the first three months of 1937. Each verse treated in the ques­ tion method involving compari­ sons with other Scriptures. Space provided opposite each question for the student to record his answer. DEFINITE! THOROUGH! INSTRUCTIVE! No examinations— lesson work and neatness determining grade — certificate upon completion.

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Correspondence School Bible Institute of Los Angeles 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. Sirs: □ Enclosed please find $2.00 for which 1 desire enrollment in the course, "Studies in the Gospel of John.'* □ Kindly send me free prospectus de­ scribing in detail all Bible Courses offered by correspondence.



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