King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937

TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

&M illion now in i n 48 States and

A New Approach to Bible Study Dissatisfied with the trend in modem Sunday-school literature, Harlin J. Roper, pastor of the Scofield Memorial Church in Dallas, Tex., conceived a system of Bible study for his own Sunday-school which has resulted in its world-wide distribution and acceptance. Numerous Sunday-schools, Bible classes, teachers, and students are following this new “ Through the Bible Study,” and report great benefit and bless­ ing derived. By the question-and-reference method the whole Bible is studied in orderly sequence, meeting the needs of various ages and stages of Christian development. Outstand­ ing among the advantages of this type of course is the emphasis laid upon a per­ sonal, unbiased investigation of the Word of God itself, rather than upon what men have thought and said about the Bible. Of this means of Bible study H. A. Iron­ side says : “ I cannot imagine a better meth­ od of connected Bible study than that which you have devised and set forth in these booklets of your six-year course.” This statement is representative of the en­ dorsement of leading pastors and teachers in all parts of the world. Priced reason­ ably, this new literature is available for every one. For fifteen cents a single copy, studies for a quarter of the year may be obtained. Special rates are made for groups. Additional information and ma­ terial may be procured from The Through the Bible Publishers, 2010 Bryan Street, Dallas, Texas. Dr. Talbot’s Itinerary Louis T . Talbot, pastor of the Church of the Open Door, Los Angeles, Calif., and Vice-President of the Bible Institute of Los Angeles, will begin a six weeks’ tour of the South and East about the middle of January. He will lecture on prophetic themes and on modern cults. These lec­ tures have been heard by large audiences in Los Angeles, and many persons have been delivered out of Christ-dishonoring cults. ^ Through these messages, many Christians have learned how to deal with those ^who are enslaved by unscriptural teaching. Many friends who have not yet met Dr. Talbot are acquainted with his prophetic studies and object lessons for children. Readers of T h e K in g ’ s B u sin ess in the localities to be visited will need no urging to avail themselves of the opportunity to hear Dr. Talbot. The following itinerary is planned: Jan. 24 to Feb. 2—Harris­ burg Circuit: Three days in Harrisburg, Pa., three days in Lebanon, Pa., and two days in Allentown, Pa.; Feb. 3 to 6 —Coal- dale, Pa.; Feb. 7 to 13—Philadelphia, Pa.'; Feb. 1+ to 20—Atlantic City, N. J.; Feb. 21 to 26—Toronto, Ont., Can.; Feb. 28 to March 6— Scofield Memorial Church. Dallas, Tex. During the month of February, President Paul W. Rood will occupy the pulpit of the Church of the Open Door in Dr. Tal­ bot’s absence, continuing the close coopera­ tion between the Institute and the church.

25 Fbreign Countries Through the bible Study

for S U N D A Y S C H O O L S and B I B L E C L A S S E S . . . Prepared by H AR L IN J. ROPER , Pastor ol the Scofield Memorial Church. Dallas, Texas This Bible Coarse Is Different No Comments Die student gives all of his time to the study of the Bible, since he is given nothing else to read. All of the Bible The student will not be a "Shorter Bible" Christian, knowing only the "favorite portions." 14,820 Questions The student in answering them from the Scripture refer­ ences is forced to use his Bible constantly. Chapter by Chapter The student studies the Bible as he does all other books —from the beginning to the end. Blank Note Pages When the student finishes the study of this course he has a valuable commentary in his own handwriting. Properly Graded Series No. 1—For Adults and Young People, 24 booklets. Series No. 2—For Seniors and Intermediates, 24 booklets. I Through th e B ib le Pub lish ers, | 2010 B ryan S t., D a lla s, T e x a s | F in d e n c lo s e d $—-—— -------fo r b o o k le ts c h e c k e d . I D First Booklet of Series No. 1 .................... 15 C Li First Booklet ofSeriesNo. 2 ......... 15c CD First Booklet ofSeriesNo. 3. . . . . 15c I D First Booklet ofSeriesNo. 4 ...... 15 C (One each of these, fourbooklets 50c) , N a m e ..S S 3 E i i S S B 5 I Sheet- ' v ' _ I C f o — , .y ,. V ' ; — ¿ ¿ S t a t e . Series No. 3—For Juniors, 24 booklets. Series No. 4—For Primaries, 12 booklets. Send for the first booklet of any or all of the four Series of "Through the Bible Study." Single copies, covering three months study, 15c.

I cannot imagine a better method of con­ nected B ible study than that' which you have devised and set forth in these booklets of your 6-year course ” Dr. H. A. Ironside, Pastor Moody Memorial Church Chicago, 111.

"More than a year ago our Sunday School adopted the *Through The Bible Study/ and we have found great inspiration and advan­ tage in studying it. It has led to a much more definite study of the Word, Most heart­ ily do l commend it," - Dr. A. Z. Conrad,

Pastor Park St. Cong’l. Church

Boston, Mass.


------------------------------- Published by — THROUGH THE BIBLE PUBLISHERS

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2 0 1 0 B ryan Street

D a lla s, T ex a s

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