King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937



In answer He gave that incomparable model which we often call the Lord’s Prayer. By numerous parables on prayer, Christ abun­ dantly illustrated the privilege and neces­ sity of praying to our heavenly Father. His promises concerning prayer are gra­ cious tokens of His love for us. Prayer through the name of our crucified and risen Saviour is our most powerful weapon when it is used with the Word of God, which is the Sword of the Spirit. In order to experience the fullness of life which Christ has provided, we must re­ gard the unalterable laws of spiritual truth revealed to us through God’s Word. Hav­ ing sought, through the Word, to know the will of God, we are to ask in faith: “ Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you” (Matt. 7:7). The prayer of faith is the lever which opens the windows of heaven. Martin Luther, the titanic man who, under God, “broke the spell of ages and laid nations subdued at the foot of the cross,” was the man who said: “ I have so much work to do today that I cannot get along on less than three hours of prayer.” — I r a B a r n e t t . 2. It is said of Pastor Ding Le Mei of China that he has influenced more men to go into the ministry and other forms of Christian service than has any other man of modern times in Asia. When he was asked by some one who marveled at the results of his work what his method was, he replied simply, “ I have no method but prayer.” — G . B . F . H a l l o c k . II. P o w e r in P r a y e r 1. We kneel, how weak; we rise how full of power! Why, therefore, should we do ourselves this wrong, Or others—that we are not always,strong, That we are ever overborne with care, That we should ever weak or heartless be, Anxious or troubled, when with us, is prayer, And joy and strength and courage are with Thee? — T r e n c h . 2. True prayer sets in motion divine forces, and restrains evil forces, in a way we shall never understand until we stand in the Kingdom of Light.— S a m u e l M. Z w e m e r . 3. No watching unto prayer? Then there has been that done which cannot be un­ done. Temptation is before you and you are not ready to meet it. There is a guilty feeling on the soul, and you linger at a distance from God. It is no marvel if that day in which you suffer anything to inter­ fere with prayer be a day in which you shrink from duty. Moments of prayer in­ truded on by sloth, cannot be made up. —F. W . R. Helps for the Leader 1. T h e P r a c t ic a b il it y o f P r a y e r 1.

at the same time a student and lover of the Bible and a humble believer in the Lord Jesus Christ. 2. The cables under the Atlantic, pulsing with messages of life and death, were in part made possible through the researches of Lord Kelvin in electro-dynamics and submarine telegraphy. His writings in­ cluded papers on magnetism, mathematics, physics, atoms, molecules, and light waves. With all his profound scientific knowledge, Lord Kelvin was at the same time a hum­ ble Christian. 3. One day when Faraday, the great chem­ ist and electrician, was ill, his friend, Sir Henry Ackland, found him resting his head on the table on which lay an open book. “ I fear that you are worse today,” his friend said. “ No,” answered Faraday, “ it is not that; but why,” he asked with one hand on the Bible, “why will people go astray, when they have this blessed Book to guide them ?” 4. Atheism holds that life sprang from the mire. But it confounds the origin of life with its own origin, for atheism is a poi­ sonous plant sown in the muddy depths of the human heart and nurtured by Satan. In Pasteur’s day “ all scholars agreed” that spontaneous generation was a fact; he con­ clusively disproved it and thereby dealt a mighty blow to atheism. [These items are taken from a series of articles on “ Great Scientists Who Were Christians” by J. D. Eggleston, President of Hampden-Sydney College, Hampden-Syd- ney, Va. The series began in the Septem­ ber 27, 1936 issue of the Sunday School Times. — E dito r .] The Lord Jesus Christ was in the Gar­ den of Gethsemane, in agony of spirit, when He found His unfaithful disciples asleep. In tender words of rebuke, He spoke to them: “Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak.” At this crucial moment, He gave the commandment by means of which deliverance may be found in every hour of human need. By precept and example, the Lord Jesus preached prayer; He spent whole nights in prayer; He rose early in the morning to pray; He prayed before choosing His disci­ ples; He went aside from the rushing throng in order to pray; He prayed at Lazarus’ grave; He prayed on Calvary’s cross. Behold, our Saviour prayed! Be­ cause He has commanded us to pray, and because He, our Redeemer and Example, prayed, we must also hold communion with Him who is now at the right hand of God the Father. Christ’s teaching on the subject of prayer occupied a prominent place in His earthly ministry. On one occasion, when His disciples saw Him praying, they asked Him: “ Lord, teach us to pray” (Lk. 11:1). FEBRUARY 28, 1937 REASONS FOR PRAYING M a t t h e w 2 6 :4 1 ; L u k e 1 8 :1 -8 Meditation on the Lesson

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