King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937



placed bells and pomegranates. These were to be placed in an alternate order, so that there would be no more bells than pome­ granates, and no more pomegranates than bells. The bells stand for testimony or pro­ fession, and the pomegranates stand for fruit or works. To be a well-rounded Chris­ tian, one’s fruit must correspond to his pro­ fession. It is a poor grade of Christianity that is seen only on Sunday and in church, but is conspicuous by its absence on week days in the shops and stores. Above all, the bells were of pure gold. They were not related to “sounding brass, or a tinkling cymbal.”—C. F. R e it z e l . FEBRUARY 11 Love Wins " Love suffereth long, and is kind” (1 Cor. 13:4, R.V.). One reason that there are not more con­ verts gathered in is that we fail right here: the Lord puts alongside of us perhaps a babe— a babe in Christ—a vexatious sort of person, one who walks along the natural plane, carnal, self-willed, self-opinionated, self-conceited. That babe is in Christ. What are we going to do? We can learn to love that person. I am sure you will agree with me that it is absolutely essential in these matters of relationship with individuals that we win through on the side of love. It is a tremendous fight sometimes. Let us not be defeated here.—D. E. H oste . “■Not that we are sufficient of ourselves to think any thing as of ourselves; but our sufficiency is of God” (2 Cor. 3:5). Do you ask what sentry is strong enough to arrest the intrusion of burden-bearing thoughts? I reply, let the peace of God keep your mind and heart. Meet every anxiety with the one short, strong, sweet answer— God; God will see to it; God will provide. . . . Do not look down, but up; not backward or forward, but Godward. It is right to think calmly and deliberately about the issue of things, but the allow­ ance of foreboding anxiety is a positive sin against the love of God.—F. B. M eyer . FEBRUARY 13 Never Forgotten “ Yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee” (Isa. 49:15). Nor must we forget that this same Lord, who is rich in mercy, has a tender care for all His creatures, and lovingly opens up “ another way” for those who have found the pathway of life too hard to travel along, and too perilous to tread with freedom and safety. Poor Hagar with her “ unwanted child” is a pitiable object as she flees from her jealous mistress, and longs for death in the wilderness. It was just when she had come to an end of herself, and had no hope and no aim in life, that God met her with His gracious provision, and assured her that she was not forgotten.—G. H. L unn . FEBRUARY 14 Rich in Him “ But what things were gain to me, those 1 counted loss for Christ” (Phil. 3:7). FEBRUARY 12 He Is Sufficient

FEBRUARY 7 Established Faith


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“ So the Lord hlessed the latter end of Job more than his beginning” (Job 42:12). Satan knew that none but God could touch Job. When Satan was permitted to afflict him, Job was quite right in recogniz­ ing the Lord Himself as the doer of those things which He permitted to be done. Oftentimes we shall be helped and blessed if we bear in mind that Satan is servant, and not master, and that he and wicked men incited by him are only permitted to do that which God by His determinate counsel and foreknowledge has before determined shall be done. Come joy, or come sorrow, we may always take it from the hand of God.— M a r s h a l l B r o o m h a l l . FEBRUARY 8 Perpetual Peace “ Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee” (Isa. 26:3). It may be that since you came to the Saviour your life has been very much an “ up-and-down” experience. Perhaps you are very disappointed with your life; you have missed the knowledge of the fact that all might be so different, that you might have unshakable peace, everlasting joy, constant victory, abiding truth, the fullness of the Holy Ghost here on earth, and a glory in­ describable hereafter. Do you know that? Do you know that there is an experience of a life infinitely better than you have yet experienced? May that gracious Spirit, Heavenly Dove, help you and me to see what there Is for us in the blessed plan and purpose of God.—G uy H. K ing . A very poor man lived alone in a little hut. The poor man decided to sell his property, and went about the place patch­ ing the roof and repairing it carefully, feeling a sense of pride that a rich man should desire his hut. After the money was paid, the new owner began at once to tear down the shack. The poor, bewildered man remonstrated with him. “ Don’t tear down my dear little home. I have repaired it all so nicely.” But the wealthy man re­ plied, “ I do not want your shack: I only want the site, the corner lot.” It is not our “ shack,” patched up by the energy of the flesh, that our Lord desires from any of us. It is the “site”— “ourselves”—He wants and has all right to, that He may build thereon the fair structure of His “ new crea­ tion,” and so manifest to men His life, not ours. Friend, let Him have “yourself” ! —B. M c C all B arbour . FEBRUARY 9 A Shack or a Mansion? “ The house that is to be builded for Jehovah must be exceeding magnificent” (1 Chron. 22:5, R.V.).

Why God Used D. L. Moody By R. A . Torrey The Shorter Life o f D. L. Moody By Paul D. Moody and A. P. Fitt These two books will be given to the first 1000 ministers who will agree to conduct a “ Moody Day” service on Sunday, February 7, 1937, and will preach an appropriate mes­ sage in observance of the Centenary of D. L. Moody’s birth. Write A. F. Gaylord, Director D. L. Moody Centenary Celebrations The Moody Bible Institute of Chicago 153 INSTITUTE PLACE CHICAGO, ILL. Beautiful Gifts From The Orient Hand embroidery by the children of the Home—handkerchiefs, d r e s s e r sets, scarfs, doilies, etc. — beautiful colors. Every stitch a prayer. Lovely and eco­ nomical as gifts. Proceeds of the sales help support this faith work, one of the largest Christian orphanages in the Orient, established twenty year3. Feed the Hungry—Clothe the Naked Aid us with your prayers and gifts. Help us save all we can for Christ. Write for price list of hand embroidery and other articles for gifts and personal use. Also free booklet, “ Helping China's Helpless." Ad­ dress: HOME OF ONESIPHORUS American Office Drawer 11 28 11 N. Racine Ave. Chicago, III.

1 9 3 7



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Preserve your KING*8 BUSINESS in a B I I O S U K E B I N D E R Holds 24 issues. Bind them as they arrive. Easily inserted and removed. Pages open flat like a bound volume. , Beautiful black fabrikoid. Stamped in gold. Suitable for a gift. $1.50 postpaid. BROSURE BINDER CO., West Webster, N.Y. Mother’s Last Words. A sweet and tender story of London’s city life. A book that should be read by every boy and girl, teaching them Honesty and Faith in God. Just the book for Sunday School teachers to give their scholars: (5x7) 32 pages, beautiful cover. Single copy, 10c; 20 copies for $1.00 postpaid. The Golden Rule Book Shop. Albion. Mloh. Now You Con Wear FALSE TEETH With Real Comfort FASTEETH, a new, pleasant powder, keeps teeth firmly set. Deodorizes. No gummy, gooey, pasty taste or feeling. To eat and laugh in comfort just sprinkle a little FASTEETH on your plates. Get it today at all good drug stores.

FEBRUARY 10 Spiritual Symmetry

"A golden bell and a pomegranate, a golden bell and a pomegranate, upon the hem of the robe round about” (Ex. 28:34). Here is a remarkable picture of the sym­ metry of a believer’s spiritual life. On the skirt of Aaron, the high priest, were to be

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