King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937



be guided rightly when days of trial come. I ought to spend the best hours of the day in communion with God. It is my noblest and most fruitful employment. —R. M . M c C h e y n e .

better than a world gained, and nothing the world can give can profit the man who fails to follow Christ.—W . J. I r v in e .

FEBRUARY 18 Lightholders

FEBRUARY 22 Dare Yon Trust Him?

"Let your light so shine before men, that they may . . . glorify your Father which is it heaven” (Matt. 5:16). His lamp am I, T o shine where He shall say: And lamps are not for sunny rooms, Nor for the light of day. But for dark places of the earth, Where shame and crime and wrong have been. . . . And so, sometimes a flame we find, Clear shining through the night, So bright we do not see the lamp But only see the light. So may I shine—His life the flame—• That men may glorify His name. — A n n ie J o h n so n F l in t . FEBRUARY 19 A Worthy Witness "A true witness delwereth souls” (Prov. 14:25). Greater than the joy which mother and father have in holding their first-born is the joy of seeing a soul pass out of death and into life. In the , widest variety of sensation and experience, we have found nothing that can equal this. Correspond­ ingly, we know no pity greater than that which we feel for the Christian who allows something to interfere with his wit­ ness. More than a hero could ever feel for the coward who would flee fight through fear of his own skin, is the feeling of sor­ row for Christians who fritter away their opportunities.— D o n a ld G. B a r n h o u s e . Have you not a word for Jesus? Will the world His praise proclaim? Who shall speak if you are silent— You who know and love His name? — S elected . FEBRUARY 20 Habitual Communion "He kneeled upon his knees three times a day, and prayed, and gave thanks before his God, as he did aforetime” (Dan. 6:10). Had Daniel dared to miss the hour of prayer or the place of prayer for a single day, he would have revealed a lack of faith and of loyalty that would have brought disgrace to the Name, and dishonor to God’s cause. Besides, he needed the ceaseless fellowship with God, by which alone he had been able to endure, and through which he had derived that strength which enabled him to triumph over every obstacle, and to live the life of the overcomer. —G. H. L u n n . FEBRUARY 21 Calling upon God "I have called upon thee, for thou wilt hear me, O God: incline thine ear unto me, and hear my speech” . (Psa. 17:6). I am persuaded that I ought never to do anything without prayer, and, if possible, special secret prayer. . . . I should pray much more in peaceful days, that I may

“ O Lord my God, in thee do I put my trust: save me from all them that persecute me, and deliver me” (Psa. 7:1). If we walk with the Lord day by day— whether skies be blue or overcast—we shall so cultivate and practice the presence of God that when occasions of anxiety may arise, we shall be prepared, and in that same loving fellowship with Him we shall find . complete deliverance. . . . When Christ related the anxieties of men to the loving provision of God, He told His hear­ ers that any kind of anxiety was superflu­ ous. Let us dare to trust Him, and in that very act of simple trust, we shall find a deliverance from all fears, and a relief from our anxieties which can come in no other way.— Life of Faith. While on earth we are on life’s drill' ground, preparing for the rulership later,, when we are to reign with Him. Hence there must be a real reigning in our lives, now. The devil tries us, men distrust us,, sickness or loss comes and we begin to ques­ tion, Why? W e examine ourselves to find this or that thing in our lives which we can blame. We accuse ourselves or are accused1 of this or that sin and go down into defeat and failure. By keeping our eyes on the “ Prince-Leader” we have victory over the. personal circumstances of life. —L. L. L egters . “Strengthened with all might, according to his glorious power, unto all patience and long-suffering with joyfulness” (Col. 1:11). In order to have spiritual power, it is necessary to pay the price of a complete and absolute surrender to Jesus Christ. It is the price of allowing the Holy Spirit whom you have received by faith in Jesus Christ to have right of way in your heart and in your life. It is the price of turning your life completely over to Jesus Christ. . . . Are' you willing to come before the Lord, cry­ ing out with hearts that are sincere, “Lord, I surrender all my selfishness, my willful­ ness, my sin—all of these things that have short-circuited Thy power” ? — L . D a v id C o w ie . FEBRUARY 23 Certain Victory “ What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, who can be against us?”' (Rom. 8:31). FEBRUARY 24 Paying the Price

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Plan now to enroll this fall. 18 Experienced Instructors.

FEBRUARY 25 Conquered by Love

Students .also attend the Florida Kes­ wick Conferences and hear the foremost preachers o f the nation. FUNDAMENTAL—EVANGELICAL For information, catalogue, etc,, address FLORIDA BIBLE INSTITUTE Bar. W. T. Watson, D.D., Pres., _______ ________ Tampa, Fla._______________

"His mouth is most sweet: yea, he is altogether lovely. This is my beloved, and this is my friend” (Cant. 5:16); Hear the language concerning Christ of an Oriental who died fifty years ago. “My Christ, my ?weet Christ, the brightest

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