King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937


T H E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S

PKK YOUR PRIZE -eet Toned V I O L I N Handsome finish, highly polished. Set of strings and


jewel of my soul—for twenty years have I cherished Him in this my miserable heart. The mighty artillery of His love He leveled against me, and I was vanquished and fell at His feet.” Here we see a fervent love, a profound and reverential admira­ tion, and that prostration of the whole be­ ing which we call worship, in the melting atmosphere of Christ’s love. Here evidently was no mere vision of Christ as the heritage of the human race, but a vision of Christ as the precious possession of the individual soul.—T . M. N e a t b y . " I will praise the name of God with a song, and will magnify him with thanks­ giving” (Psa. 69:30). Yet a little while and we shall be for­ ever with Him. W ill we regret then that we spent much time alone with Him while in this wilderness scene? My heart longs for that time when I shall never again grieve Him. How patient, how gentle He has been! How the lack of appreciation on the part of friends has grieved us! How we have wept when, having exhausted our efforts in some act of kindness, we have seen it received with utter disregard! What, then, must it mean to Him who gave everything to purchase us from eternal death, to have us show no concern about His happiness, about His glory—to have us occupied with everything but Himself? — S e le cte d . FEBRUARY 27 Risen with Christ “ For we are members of his body, of his flesh, and of his bones” (Eph. 5:30). It is a wonderful thing to be really one with a risen and exalted Saviour, to be a member of Christ! Think what it in­ volves! Can Christ be rich and I poor? Can your right hand be rich and the left poor? or your head be well-fed while your body starves? Again, think of its bearing on prayer. Could a bank clerk say to a customer, “ It was only your hand that wrote that check, not you,” or, “ I cannot pay this sum to your hand, but only to yourself” ? No more can your prayers, or mine, be dis­ credited if offered in the name of Jesus,. . . so long as we keep within the extent of Christ’s credit—a tolerably wide limit! — J. H u dson T a y l o r ; FEBRUARY 28 Thy Will Be Done "Teach me to do thy w ill; for thou art my God” (Psa. 143:10). We know the paths wherein our feet should press; Across our hearts are written Thy decrees; Yet now, O Lord, be merciful to bless With more than these. Knowledge we ask not; knowledge Thou hast lent; • But, Lord, the will—there lies our bitter need; Give us to build above the deep intent The deed, the deed. —Life of Faith. FEBRUARY 26 More Gratitude

S P O R T WATCH A Perfect Tim e Keeper

Long tori-

bow Included. SEN D NO MONEY. Just name andaddress. W E TR U ST YOU with 24pkts. of Seeds to sell at 10c. When sold send $2.40 col­ lected,and we will send Violin Outfit and In­ struction Book.

n e a u shape, chrome fin­ ish embossed case. Newest linked wrist j band. It’s a Dandy. Send

A L L G I F T S S EN T TO YOU POSTPAID COOKING SET Convenient and sanitary kitchen ntensils that yon use every day. Bine Bird gran­ ite is most durable, finished to mirror .i acid-proof and easy to keep Will Make You Proud if Your Kitchen GRAN ITE

for two 24packet collections of GardenSeeds. Sell at 10c a pack. Remit money collected, then watch is yours. Positively No Extra Money to Pay. WRITE TODAY. CRINKLED BED SPREAD In Attractive Colors


A glorious surprise. It surely iaa beauty and always- popular be­ cause it is so practical. The crin­ kled stripes are nightly woven in contrasting colors of- rose, gold, or blue, the same on both sides, and stand the wash tnb well. No ironing—just let it dry and it is ready for nse. Size 80x90 inches, big enough to cover over pillows and effect ofa two piece set. Given tor selling only 24 pkts. of Garden Seeds at 10c.

clean. In color it is a beautiful mottled blue-gray. The entire Set, given as one premium, consists of four regular-sized

Share the thrill of Basketball. Now a major sport. Given for the saleof 24pkts. of Seedc at 10ca pkt. W E TR U ST YOU.

MAIL THIS COUPON^TODAY! aaahihihahaaaMH Sltlfif«"** T * LAN CASTER COUNTY S EE D CO. Station 3i3 , Paradise, Pa. Please send me at once 24 packets of**Garden-Spot’* Seeds. I agree to sell them within 30 days and,return money for my GIFT according to your offers. You agree to send my gift promptly, postpaid. Name__________________________________

JUNIOR GUITAR Imported From Europe Get this handsome instrument NOW. Justsendyournameand

address/ Send No Money. We Trust You with 24 packs of Garden Seedsto sell atK'c a pkt. When sold send $2.40 collected and we will send this mahogany finish Guitarand Five« Minute Instruction Book absolutely FREE. A REGULAR MAN’S WATCH model with Improved movement. Given for selling 24 packets of Seeds at 10c a packet. We pay all postage.

Post Office. State______ Street or R. F.D. No..


Print your last name plainly below

GLORIOUS GOSPEL HYIM15 "Finest Hymnal l Have Ever Seen"—Kansas City , Mo.

★ “ Glorious Gospel Hymns“ compiled and edited by Haldor Lillenas is an inexhaustible storehouse o f standard hymns and powerful gospel songs. Contains hymns and songs for every church department and use,. Holds true to the fundamentals of the truth. Order your copies today. Beautifully printed—new reinforced cord binding. 703 num­ bers I 350 hymns. 353 gospel songs. Returnable examination copy sent Pastors and music committees. One copy $1.25 post­ paid, $85.00 per 100 not prepaid. Write fo r FREE Music Catalog LILLENAS PUBLISHING COMPANY “ The Best in Gospel Music" Dept. K, 2923 Troost Ave. :: Kansas City, Mo.

T # * \ f Socialism, — Communism—Fascism By LOUIS S. BAUMAN, D.D. The Most Timely Prophetic Booklet in Print! Concerning this booklet, Dr. Thomas M. Chalmers, Editor of the Jewish Missionary Magazine, New York, writes: “ Dr. Bauman has made a real study of his tremendous subject. He has gathered the facts, he sets forth the^ nature, working and baleful influence of the THREE FROGS now croaking among the nations of the earth. Every American should read and ponder the facts so clearly set forth in these flaming pages. They are a trumpet call to consider where our j nation stands today. They are a warning against the mighty evils facing this and all nations." Price 25c— 5 Copies fo r $1.00 Postpaid Circular describing other outstanding Prophetic Booklets by the same Author upon request. ALAN S. PEARCE 1925 E. 5th St., Long Beach, Calif.

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