TH E K I N G ' S B U S I N E S S
January, 1937
A sense of peace came into my soul; the struggle in the clash of my human will with the divine will had ceased. Even now I can hear, in memory, Dr. Torrey saying, “May God seal the covenant now.” Some thing happened that hour which the years have but confirmed. The covenant was “sealed” indeed, and like Wesley of old, I can look back and say, “My heart was strangely warmed.” G od ’ s M a n y P rovid en ces It was in one of the great meetings in the Tournament Hall, Liverpool, that the girl who was destined to become my wife and the mother of my children, and my true helpmeet in the ministry, made her public confession of Jesus Christ as Saviour and Lord. Our joy was complete! Our friend ship became a growing Christian fellow ship from that hour even to this. Tracing the secondary causes in the affairs of our lives, in the overruling providences of God, both general and specific, we owe more than we can estimate to the ministry of the American evangelist, Reuben Archer Tor rey. If our lives and influence in the Chris tian ministry have been of value to others, in spheres humble, and in more recent years in two of the great churches of America, it but illustrates the grace of God through human instrumentalities, and it but brings cumulative comment upon the passage of Scripture, “ Cast thy bread upon the waters: for thou shalt find it after many days.” America sent her evangelist to Britain, casting “bread upon the waters.” The years pass, the harvest ripens, and numerous con verts of that sowing period return to Amer ica to invest their lives in the service of Christ here. The “ after many days” of Torrey’s sowing are these harvest days of spiritual reaping. We owe to God first, and to the ministry of Reuben Archer Tor rey as His instrument, what we are and what we have been able to achieve by the grace of God. Dr. Torrey was well fitted for the min istry which God had committed to him. He was God’s man, for God’s place, in God’s time. His coming to England was in one of those ebb-tide periods in which there was much indifference and worldliness within the churches, and organized atheism outside the churches. History has a way of repeating itself. In a general sense, we are at the present time in a similar position in Christendom. There is, however, this dis tinction: atheism is now within the churches, and the results are evidenced in society. “Where there is no vision, the peo ple -perish” (literally, “get a craze” ). Would God we had another Wesley, an other Moody, another Torrey! Yet we must not look to men for deliverance, for it was God Himself who raised up those mighty evangelists of former days. It was He who graciously used their surrendered lives to pour out blessing that has nourished the church even until this day. As we face the enemies of our Christ, we repeat the cry of Judah’s king: “ O our God, . . . we have no might against this great company that com- eth against us; neither know we what to do: but our eyes are upon thee.” The Christian on his knees sees more than the philosopher on his tiptoes. — S elected .
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