King's Business - 1937-01



January, 1937




In the Steps o f St. Paul By H. V. MORTON •

lecturer, has made an intensive study of conditions, and presents authenticated evidence for observa­ tions made in her book. She gives numerous exam­ ples of the thoroughly unchristian and un-American nature' of communistic ideals which are being fos­ tered in this country. Like Mrs. Dilling’s earlier work, The Red Network, this book is a fearless expose of conditions of which every Christian should be conversant. 439 pages. Published by the author, 545 Essex Rd., Kenilworth, 111. Cloth. Price $1.15. What Lies Ahead? By A. F. PAGE In view of world conditions that cause men to face the future with increasing anxiety, there is eagerness for any additional light that the Word of God sheds concerning the events that will precede the reign of Christ. Mr. Page has given an ex­ pository and diagrammatic unfolding of the re­ markable harmonies in the prophetic view. The author states, “We have no more to do with the setting of dates than did Noah, Enoch, Abraham, Isaiah, Jeremiah, Ezekiel or Daniel,” but to some readers his treatment of figures in chronology may seem to show a tendency toward date-setting. How­ ever, Mr. Page is earnestly desirous of confining his research and his conclusions wholly to the Scrip­ tures. He has made a contribution which will arrest the attention of all who investigate his find­ ings. 32 pages. A. F. Page, 3139 Main St., Kansas City, Mo. Paper. Price 35 cents. So Great Love By B. M. W. GRAUTOFF Edward Grainger, a young English painter liv­ ing among African Moslems, renounced his nominal Christianity to marry Zenobia, a Moslem girl who was the model for his paintings. The arrival of a missionary aunt and uncle from another part of Africa complicates an embarrassing maze of affairs which is straightened by their unflinching faith and living testimony to a living Saviour. The story

With remarkable literary ability, the writer ani­ mates scenes of the Apostle’s life with dramatic force and' artistic color in this volume, a valuable com­ panion to the study of the Book of Acts. Having spent appreciable time in Asia Minor and the Mediterranean countries, Mr. Morton in his accounts reveals a thorough research of the geography and customs of these regions. | His reproduction of many episodes in Paul’s thrilling journeys is most illu­ minating,' and investS' this missionary hero with a virile spirituality which propels him to dare and to die for his convictions. Such scenes as the ston­ ing of Stephen and the riot at Ephesus are re­ counted with feeling and an unusual insight into an­ cient experiences. This book will be valued by the Bible student and appreciated by the lover of good literature. 487 pages. Dodd, Mead & Co. Cloth. Price $2.50. My* Beloved Armenia By MARIE S. BANKER This gripping'narrative pictures the suffering of Christian Armenians(under the cruel dominance of the Turks. As a child, the author with her family lived in caves to escape the horrible persecutions of their oppressors who relentlessly slaughtered and scattered her people. A triumphant and radiant faith in her Saviour, sustaining her during these trials which are told with such realism in this account, proves to be a true stimulus to more faith­ ful witnessing for the Lord Jesus Christ. 205 pages. Bible Institute Colportage Ass’n. Cloth. Price $1.25. The Roosevelt Red Record Exposing ' the atrocities of the Red regime in other countries, and its menacing presence in United States government circles today, this volume is ex­ tremely startling, informative, and comprehensive. The author, a well-qualified writer, traveler, and and Its Background By ELIZABETH DILLING

1 9 3 7

DAILY MANNA CALENDAR FOR 1937 To friends subscribing for T H E K I N G ’ S B U S I N E S S , three special offers are made. (1) Single subscriptions, or clubs up to six, will be accepted at half-price— 75 cents each (in U. S.) during the period of the Club Offer described on the first pages of this issue. (2) Clubs of ten or more will be received at 50 cents each. (3) A beautiful DAILY MANNA CALENDAR with a meditation for every day ofBthe year will be sent FREE with a regular subscription at $1.50. The price o f ' the calendar alone is 75 cents. THE KING'S BUSINESS 558 South Hope St* Los Angeles, Calif.


daily reading

with a new Hope— new strength—

God 's Best Secrets, by Andrew Murray.....................................$2.50 Streams in the Desert, by Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman........................ |.50 M y Utmost for His Highest, by Oswald Chambers.................... |.50 The Living Bible. Chapter by Chapter. By Amos R. Wells............ 1.00 Consolation, by Mrs. Chas. E. Cowman................................... 1,50 Gems of Gola, byR.E. Neighbour........................................... |# 5 Q Days of Heaven Upon Earth, by A. B. Simpson........................... |.25 Bent Knee Time, Gordon ............................................................ 75 ‘God's Message .................................................................. ¿g God's Minute .................................................................... ¿g

New — Special Features $2 — Unusual Torrey’s GIST o f the LESSON. 1937-35c 937 —Popular Commentary Uniform International S. S. Lessons for the twelve months. Improved in many respects. Convenient ............................................... 90c Moore's Points for Emphasis, 1937, 35c Scripture Text CALENDAR... 30c THE PROGRAM OF PEACE By Joseph Taylor Britan. Analyzes the World Situation—also interprets some por­ tions of Scripture, dealing with present problems ............................................... $1.00 PERILS OF THE LATTER DAYS By Louis R. Patmont. A new book. An expert surveys Apocalyptic Events. Up to the minute................................ $1.00 God’ s Plan o f the Ages By Louis T. Talbot. A comprehensive view of God's great plan. With chart. Cloth ..............$1.00 Paper .................... 50 BIOLA BOOK ROOM With 13 full color paintings. Thoughts for Daily Meditation. Topically arranged year with the Int. S. S. Lessons.

1937 . . . The TEACHERS’ GUIDE . International Sunday School Lessons for the year. James R. Kaye, Ph.D., L.L.D. This famous book enters upon the fourth year of its history. The author has created a new interest in Bible Study. Important outlines— valuable photographs—a full index. Suggestive Questions /tt»i C /k and Special Discussions.............. ............................................................... © JL•O fJ 1937

BUSH AGLOW 'Th Life Story of Dwight Lyman Moody

Lowest Priced ED IT ION EVER SO LD I

By Richard Ellsworth Day Sympathetic Popular Biography $2.00 MOODY STILL LIVES Word pictures by his Son-in-Law, Arthur Percy Fitt, $1.50 T h e CH R IS T IA N 'S SECRET o f a H A P P Y LIFE. By S J O O H an n ah W h ita ll Sm ith 1 =

SCOF IELD REFERENCE BIBLE Enjoy the benefits of the same complete and unabridged helps as contained in the higher priced editions. Atlas and maps. 1370 pages. No. 33X—French Morocco, Indiadfrcf A A paper, 11/16 in. thick..................... «JpO eUU Same as above except with 41»¿T A A CONCORDANCE ............................$ O e U U

560 S O . HOPE S T . L O S AN G E L E S , C A L IF .


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