King's Business - 1937-01

January, 1937




moves excitingly in a path of thrilling adventure. 129 pages. Thynne & Co., Ltd., London. Cloth. Price 80 cents. Supplied! By EVELYN McFARLANE McCLUSKY The author of this exposition of the Book of Numbers is a well-known and successful Bible teacher who has an unusually arresting method of presenting the truth. Although this study will be profitable for adults, it is designed to acquaint young people with the all-sufficiency of Jesus Christ as He is typically portrayed in the fourth book of the Old Testament. The freshness of the author’s style will hold the reader and clarify spiritual sym­ bolisms. 224 pages. Fundamental Truth Publishers. Cloth, $1.25. Paper, 60 cents. Christ Meeting His Church in the Air By GUSTAV EDWARDS | In a clear, reverent exposition of the plain teach­ ing of the Word concerning our Lord’s return, the author embodies comprehensive truths of the Chris­ tian|faith. God’s plan, His eternal and supreme Sacrifice, His second coming, and His day of judgment—these subjects are unfolded in their Scriptural setting. 51 pages. 4211 N. Hermitage Ave., Chicago, 111. Paper. Price 25 cents. Stoke o f Brier Hill By ZENOBIA BIRD Rugged and lovable are the mountain people of this Kentucky narrative. They have suffered from penury and ignorance, from drunkenness and preju­ dice, but, touched by the grace of God, they display a fineness that is indescribably beautiful. Named for the rough but tender-hearted Stokeley MacDevitt, the book deals not only with him and his neighbors, but pictures also the selfless devotion of two young couples, home missionariest who gave all to Jesus Christ. He who reads will find himself at times looking into the menacing darkness of a mountain­ eer’s rifle, or coping with the fearful power of the feud, or togging along on mule-back through stream beds at#dead of night to aid some family in distress. The mission home, appealing in its cosy plainness, will become his home, and with the congregation of simple mountain people who have learned to love the Word he will feel an affinity that can never die. 218 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $1.50. The Illustration By LESTER B. MATHEWSON Being not merely another collection of quotable anecdotes, but rather “ a self-correcting course in the illustration covering every phase and branch of its origin and use,” this volume tells one how to gather, file, select, and apply illustrative material. The work of many years, the book is designed to be used in individual and group study, for which practical assignments are given. A study of the . principles laid down m this book will greatly aid any minister, Sunday-school teacher, or other public speaker who aspires to excel in the art of gaining and holding attention. 368 pages. Revell Co. Cloth. Price $3.00. Prevailing Prayer J Compiled by ZELMA ARGUE Containing choice devotional selections for each day of the month, this brief volume is a spiritual mine. Excerpts from mighty men of God, coupled with appropriate Scripture, combine in presenting this effective meditation on prayer. The reader of this book will undoubtedly be refreshed and convicted anew of the vitality of prayer in the Spirit. 31 pages. Zondervan Pub. House. Paper. Price 25 cents. Grace, Nightmares and Dilemmas By#EDWIN H. CROSS Frankly depicting the nightmare of world con­ ditions today, and the failure of professional Christianity to remedy the dilemma, this presenta­ tion of God’s pure grace is very convincing. That the unadulterated gospel of Christ is the only hope for the world or individuals, is clearly seen by this strong exposition of sin as it is manifest) today, and the Word of God as it stands. The glorious message of the cross is - the realized objective of this author whose short volume is a clear explanation of salvation by grace. 32 pages. The Cross Publishers, 2731 Fifth Ave., Huntington. W. Va. Paper. Price 25 cents. | This “ volume of sermon hearts” abounds In ob­ jective illustrations of gospel truth from the Word of God.. These are skillfully combined with modern applications, thus producing very practical medita­ tions. The following titles of chapters in the volume may be suggestive: “ Ships in the Christian Fleet. “ The Greatest Jail-Break in All History,” God s Traffic Signals.” Clearly outlined in topical fashion, each chapter is a faceted gem of spiritual radiance. 206 pages. Classic Press, Publishers, Denver, Colo. Cloth, $1.50. Paper, $1.00. Things Really Precious By STANLEY H. BAILES

ANNUAL MEETING FUNDAMENTALS ASSOCIATION [Continued from inside front cover] 4 :00 p . m . Christians Under the Hammer and Sickle of Russia.—Paul Voronaeff. 7 :30 p . m . What Is the Difference Between the Judgment Seat of Christ and the Judgment o f the White Throne?— Gustaf F. Johnson. FRIDAY, JANUARY 22. “ THE THRONE OF CHRIST AND THE KINGDOM” 8 :30 a . m . Prayer Meeting. 9 :30 a . m . How Will the Kingdom Be Set Up and How Long Will Christ Reign ?— A. A. Smith. 10:30 a . m . What Will Be the Characteristics of the Kingdom?—Walter L. Wilson. 2 :00 p . m . What Place Will the Jew Occupy During the Kingdom?—Louis S. Bau­ man. 3 :00 p . m . What Will the Church Be Doing During the Kingdom ?—Gustaf F. Johnson. 4 :00 p . m . Surprise Hour. 7 :30 p . m . Is the Kingdom at Hand ?—W. B. Riley. Stereoptioon Lecture on Russia.— Peter Deyneka. SUNDAY, JANUARY 24. “ THE SIGNS OF THE TIMES AND THE KINGDOM” 11:00 a . m . The Signs of the Times in the Church. —W. B. Riley. 2 :30 p . m . Signs of the Times and the Young People.—Clifford E. Lewis. Four Unfinished Things.—Walter L. Wilson. 7 :30 p . m . The^ Signs of the Times in the Nations.—Gustaf F. Johnson. Persons who are planning to attend either the Annual Meeting o f the World’s Christian Fundamentals Asso­ ciation or the Torrey Memorial Bible Conference are asked to write concern­ ing accommodations to C. B. Whitwell, 558 South Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif.

Flexible overlapping leather, only $2.50. Also magazines all kinds. Ulus. Booklet 30K FREE. MAGAZINE BINDERY SERVICE Garriott Bldg. Scottsburg, Ind

G R A P H I C G U I D E For the Christian Home and the Church School Profusely Illustrated Through the Bible in Three Years Old and New Testament material in each weekly Issue. Pictures— Puzzles— Maps and other handwork Used by AH Denominations Designed for Juniors and Intermediates Single subscription (in packets)........... $1.00 3 year subscription (in packets)........... 2.50 10 or more to one address (1 yr. e a .).. .60 Covers per volume, each ..................... .. .10 Order NOW ! You will be more than satis­ fied. Write for information about other materials. Eye-Method Publishing Company 1712-16 East 20th St. Oakland, Calif.

The Moody-Whitefield Free Tract Campaign To raise a permanent fund for the distribution of soul­ winning tracts and Christian literature.

Dwight L. Moody and George Whitefield are pre­ eminent among those who have most profoundly, con­ structively and permanently influenced the spiritual life of America. Matchless preachers, with the message “ Ye must be born again,” extensively using the printed page —- un­ excelled soul-winners — profound Bible students, advo­ cates of social regeneration—champions of the highest education. To commemorate their lives and their works, their passion for soul-saving and their proclamation of the .unadulterated Gospel in churches, in halls and the open air, the American Tract Society has inaugurated a plan to memorialize the centenary of Moody’s birth February


5, 1937, and the bi-centenary of Whitefield’s first visit to America, May 7, 1738, by the establishment of a greatly needed FREE TRACT FUND. Christian literature is influencing many to accept Christ as their Saviour. To illustrate—A Jew was won to Christ through one o f the Society’s tracts. He left his furniture business, studied ._____________________________________

ior the ministry and is now preaching Christ to his- own people. A convict was also converted and in a personal letter to one o f our colporteurs says, “ I thank God for sending me to prison.” The fund to make available this literature is necessary so that the multi­ tude of the unsaved can be reached. W e invite your prayers so that the need can be met. You can share in this all-important workl Your donations will lead others to Christ as you know Him.

AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY K B 7 W est 45th St., New York City, N. Y . I hereby designate my gift or pledge ,to reprint Moody’s Tracts as follows: □ $100 for such a tract as ’’Repent- ance” □ $25 for 3000 tracts, “ Courage” □ $5 for 600 tracts, “Right Kind of Faith” G $1 for 300 tracts, “What shall I do to be Saved” □ $ for permanent fund. N a m e .................. ................. . ...» . Street . . a ......... . ................................ ...... C ity......................... State.

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