King's Business - 1937-01

40 January, 1937 U se “ K i n g ’s B u s i n e s s ” B u y e r s ’ G u id e THE K I N G S BUS I NESS

» I TAKES YOUR MESSAGE TO 1,000 READERS A BUYERS’ GUIDE ad of 30 words will cost you $1.50 per insertion. It reaches more than 30,000 homes monthly. The cost per 1,000 readers is therefore JUST 5c per THOUSAND of possible customers contacted. Cheap advertising, isn’t it? To send the same message on a government post card would cost you $300.00 for postage alone— 200 times our charge. And remember, our list is one of selected Christian families. Send in your ad today. Third Buyers 5 Guide Prize Contest - - - Ending June 30 , 1937 FIRST PRIZE— Cash $10.00. SECOND PRIZE— 1 annual subscription to THE ICING'S BUSI­ NESS and a beautiful TEACHERS' BIBLE. NEXT TEN PRIZES— 1 annual subscription to THE KING'S BUSINESS. ADDITIONAL AWARDS—Every participant in the contest will receive recognition for his work. 3. The amount paid. 4. The name find address of the purchaser. No letter can be returned. Your entry in the contest signifies that you have granted to THE KING’S BUSINESS, without further correspondence or permission, the right to publish all or part of your communication, including your name and address. THE CON­ TEST CLOSES JUNE 30, 1937. HOW TO WIN A PRIZE Every person who enters the contest, sending a letter to THE KING’S BUSINESS describing a sale or sales made through tne BUYERS' GUIDE will receive a worth-while gift. Here is a contest in which everybody will win something! Why not begin today? • BUYERS ’ GUIDE • F i v e C e n t s You can win one of these valuable prizes! Just write a letter, telling how you used the new BUYERS’ GUIDE in THE KING’S BUSI­ NESS to help your church or Sunday-school, or to supply a need of your own or of a friend. Remember— the letter must tell of an ac­ tual experience, resulting in a definite order given to one of our advertisers whose name and address is printed in the BUYERS’ GUIDE. The letter must state the following facts: 1. The month of issue of THE KING'S BUSINESS used. 2. The article purchased and the name and address of the firm from which it was ordered. Read carefully through THE KING’ S BUSINESS, noting particularly each advertisement. Then study the BUYERS* GUIDE published on the last pages. Should you decide to purchase from any one of these advertisers any article offered, and should you actually make such a purchase or induce any friend, relative, organization, church or Sunday-school to buy, then you have fulfilled all preliminary requirements and are eligible to submit a letter.



_____________BIBLE CHARTS_____________ JAMISON’S CHRONOLOGICAL PANORAMA of the Bible, lithographed in 9 colors, on fine map cloth, 17x34 inches. Price $1.75 including key, postpaid. Abridged one-color edition, 10c. Prof. Lewis H. Jamison, 75 1 Olive Ave., Long Beach, Calif. _____________ BIBLE GAMES_____________ GOODENOUGH & WOGLOM CO., 296 Broadway, New York City. Send for descrip­ tive circular of five interesting Bible games. See display ad page 33. BINDER FOR MAGAZINES BROSURE BINDER CO., WEST WEBSTER, N. Y., manufacturers of binders for maga- zines. See display ad page 32.________________ MAGAZINE BINDERY SERVICE, GARRIOTT Bldg., Scottsburg, Ind., rebind Bibles, furnish covers for magazines. See display ad page 39. BOOK STORES BIOLA BOOK ROOM, 560 SOUTH HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif. Headquarters Fundamental Literature. See display ad page 38.__________ SCHULTE’S BOOK STORE — WE BUY AND sell Theological libraries and collections of good books. Send for catalog and mention King’s Business. SCHULTE’S BOOK STORE, 80-82 Fourth Avenue, New York CHy. BOUND MAGAZINES WE CAN SUPPLY BOUND COPIES OF THE KING’S BUSINESS for several years back at the following prices, delivered postpaid to your address: % leather, $4.00; Full cloth binding, $3.50. % board binding (cloth back and paper sides), $2.50. Box 730, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles, Calif. THE KING’S BUSINESS, 558 S. HOPE ST., Los Angeles, Calif., offers beautiful ’’Daily Manna” calendar with appropriate reading for each day, with yearly subscriptions. See dis­ play ad page 38. CALENDARS

CHOIR AND PULPIT GOWNS. HANGINGS, Bible Markers, etc. Also pulpit furniture, bulle­ tin boards, communion sets. Fine materials, beautiful work. Write for prices. State defi­ nitely what is needed. DeMoulin Bros. & Co., 1026 So. Fourth St., Greenville, Illinois. CHRISTIAN PUBLICATIONS ROLLIN T. CHAFER, 3909 SWISS AVE., Dallas, Tex., editor of ’’Bibliotheca Sacra,” a 128-page Theological Quarterly Review. See display ad page 26. CLASSIC PRESS, 1629 OGDEN ST., DEN- ver, Colo., publishers of book, “ Things Really Precious,” Dr. Stanley H. Bailes. See display ad page 24._____ DODD, MEAD & CO., 449 4TH AVE., NEW York, publishers of inspiring new book, ‘‘In the Steps of St. Paul,” by H. V.- Morton. See display ad page 34._____________________________ EYE-METHOD PUBLISHING CO.. 1712-16 East '20th St., Oakland, Calif., taking sub­ scriptions to the “ Graphic Guide,” weekly periodical of studies in Old and New Testa- ments. See display ad page 39._____________ F UN D AME N T A L T R U T H PUBLISHERS, Findlay, Ohio, publishers of choice gift books. See display ad page 13. _________________' GOLDEN RULE BOOK SHOP, ALBION, Mich., will send copy of book, “ Mother’s Last W ords,” for 10 cents. See display ad page T. J. McCROSSAN, 4138 BROOKLYN AVE., Seattle, Wash., author of “ The Bible: Its Christ and Modernism.” $1.00, by mail. See display ad page 29. REV. FRANK A. MILLER, 125 S. AVE. 60, Los Angeles, Calif., publisher of 14 Evangel­ istic Chalk Talks. 25 cents postpaid. See ais- play ad page 26. _____________________________ THE MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE OF CHI- cago, 153 Institute Place, Chicago, 111., offers free two books for ministers, “ Why God Used D. L. Moody,” and "The Shorter Life of D. L. Moody.” See display ad page 32.

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Copy due 10th of month preceding data of publication __________ AGENTS WANTED__________ WESTERN SALES SERVICE, P. O. BOX 434, Berkeley, Calif., offer 25 photos for $1.00. Agents wanted. See display ad page 30. AID IN SACRED SONG WRITING CORRECT HYMN MUSIC ASSURES EDITOR- ial consideration. Send hymn or poem for FREE criticism. Enclose dime for samples. Raymond Iden (K B ), Composer, Arranger, Mt. Vernon, Ohio. ____ ____________ ANNUITIES_______________ AMERICAN BIBLE SOCIETY, BIBLE HOUSE, Astor Place, New York City. Free booklet describing annuity agreements. See display ad page 21. MOODY BIBLE INSTITUTE, 153 INSTITUTE Place, Chicago, 111. W rite for new booklet, ’’Facts,” for information regarding annuity plan. See display ad page 3 1. _________ APPEAL FOR FUNDS_________ AMERICAN TRACT SOCIETY, 7 WEST 45th St., New York City. Funds needed for free distribution of tracts and Christian literature. See display ad page 39. BEVERAGES PAN AMERICAN TEA COMPANY. 2704 S. Vermont Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. Famous Mate tea and Desert tea. See display ad page 30. THE BIBLE BINDERY, BIBLES REPAIRED and rebound. Flexible leather covers a spec­ ialty. Satisfaction guaranteed. Agency: New Analytical Bible. Grace Whidden, 2026 E. Fourth St.. Long Beach, Calif. BIBLE BINDING

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