Y13 Bulletin 10.05.24

This weekly bulletin contains the latest news updates across Year 13




Year 9 DofE Training - 14-15 May Year 10 French Residential - 17-20 May

It has been lovely that this week at last has felt like summer and everyone has enjoyed the opportunity to be outside in the fresh air at break and lunch. This week our focus has very much been on our students in Years 11 and 13 as they finish their taught lessons and begin their final written public exams.

Half Term - 27-31 May Back to School - 3 June

HOLIDAYS & NATIONAL DAYS Mental Health Awareness Month - May National Walking Month - May Mental Health Week - 13-19 May International Day against Homophobia, Biphobia and Transphobia - 17 May

On Tuesday we greatly enjoyed our traditional Dress Up Day when Year 11 students come into school in costume, either in friendship groups or as individuals. Alongside some classic outfits including The Smurfs and the Spice Girls, I am amazed that the students managed to come up with new ideas yet again. This year our winners and runners up included a full Formula 1 Team with students dressed as cars and traffic lights in addition to the drivers and engineers! Then on Wednesday we had our Year 11 Final Assembly, joined by family and friends. It was wonderful to celebrate the students, looking back at their journey through school from Year 7. Our guest speaker, Amelia Radford, a previous Waldegrave Head Girl, delivered an inspirational speech reminding the students how important it is as young women to have the confidence to make your voice heard. It was a beautiful morning and a perfect way to begin the exam season, with our students brimming with the love and support from all at home and school. Today was our Year 13 students’ last day and they enjoyed dressing up in their school uniforms from Year 11. We had a mini celebration today and are looking forward to a formal celebration with Year 13 when their exams have finished.

WE WANT TO HEAR FROM YOU! Send us your achievement stories and photos to share by email to info@waldegravesch.org STAY CONNECTED WITH US:

~ Ms Tongue, Headteacher


Next week is Mental Health Awareness Week and this year’s theme is “Movement: Moving more for our mental health”. This coincides with May being National Walking Month, encouraging everyone to walk to work or school, rather than using cars or public transport, or get outside and explore the natural surroundings on their doorsteps. We know that being in nature and being physically active are two key ways to promote positive mental wellbeing. Ms Lane will be encouraging all students to move more for their mental health through her assemblies over the next fortnight. More information on how to support or get involved with Mental Health Awareness Week can be found here.

SUPPORTING THE PTA A little help goes a long way... Are you able to help out at our forthcoming Silent Auction Event? Sign up now!



The Year 13 exams are progressing smoothly, with both the Art and second group of Textiles students completing their exams this week. I had the pleasure of viewing their final pieces on Thursday afternoon and was thoroughly impressed by the effort they put in. Additionally, our MFL students have also completed their oral exams this week, showcasing their linguistic skills and dedication to their studies. Furthermore, today was the last day that Year 13 students were expected to be in lessons. They all looked really wonderful as most of them wore their old school uniform. I do hope they enjoyed the mini celebration this morning at break time. The end of the day was really emotional for both them and us. As mentioned last week, as well as in the letter that was sent out to parents and carers this week, the main leavers’ event will take place on Friday 21 June. As a reminder, students can arrange to meet with their classroom teachers from next week onwards at the time they were timetabled to be taught by them. All teaching staff will be available. Year 13 students can continue to come and revise on site, should they decide to do so and can continue to use all available facilities. I would really like to take this final opportunity to wish all Year 13 students all the best of luck for their forthcoming exams. I am confident that they will do very well given how hard they have been working over the course of the past two years.






30.04.24 07.05.24

Year 7/8 Rounders vs Richmond Upon Thames

WON 12.5-6.5

Year 7/8 Rounders vs Hampton High

WON 6.5-2


Prima Facie by Suzie Miller

Based on the award-winning one woman show of the same name, this novelisation is a first person account of a woman’s fight for justice in an unfair system. A working class woman, the protagonist has fought hard to get to the position she is at: a successful criminal barrister. However, when she becomes a victim of a crime, her faith in the system that she has dedicated her life to is called into question. The audiobook, narrated by Jodie Comer, is highly recommended.

~ Recommended by Mrs Nowicki

Please contact us with any queries or problems you may have. To get in touch with a member of staff from your child’s year group, you can: Send an email to sixthform@waldegravesch.org Or you can contact the school via phone by calling: 02088943244 WALDEGRAVE SCHOOL Fifth Cross Road, Twickenham, Middlesex, TW2 5LH HOW TO CONTACT YEAR 13 HEAD OF YEAR AND TUTORS

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