AfriLabs Capacity Building Programme Impact Report

The ACBP has evidently achieved a broad quota of its objectives as designed in its programme theory of change. However, more innovative strategies are required to deliver maximum impact in the lowly reported variables from the Impact Assessment exercise.

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Increase content on financial management

Report on hub’s improvement on specific management outcomes shows a low result on the application of lessons in the area of financial management. Financial management techniques should be incorporated into training sessions during the hub learning week, physical workshops, hubs in residence, and other activities in order to increase awareness and outcomes on this indicator.

Expansion of program delivery into new Tech thematic areas

There is the need to provide knowledge-based support to innovation hubs that are transitioning into new technologies such as the blue ocean technology, Artificial Intelligence (AI), etc. This support can be delivered through the training components of the AfriLabs Capacity Building Programme (ACBP) such as the hub learning week, This could stir up interest and improve collaboration among hubs within this space.

ACBP Impact Assessment Report


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