is about CHANGE


Sitting here at my desk in the semi-darkness of the morning, I am ready. I have my cup of tea, a rose quartz crystal is resting on my laptop and the soothing warmth of my throat chakra incense is burning behind me. I want to share with you one of my favourite quotes as the words express exactly how things are for me (and maybe for you too.)

I have been writing a lot lately, mostly scribbles in my journal as I complain about the heat, compile a long list of to-dos that will never get done, express gratitude for all my blessings, of which there are many, pour out my worries and frustrations, plan my day, put together a meal plan and shopping list and remind myself that the beans or lentils or chickpeas or whatever need to be soaked otherwise we will starve. I will also dream and let my mind wander to where my heart takes it. Lately, I have been going to my imaginary cabin in the woods, it is safe there, I feel at peace and I can escape the real world and sit and write and ponder and walk and dream. I’ve been spending a lot of time in the actual woods too. In between clients and blogging, podcasting, cooking, cleaning, the laundry, and the other stuff that eats away at our days I have been escaping at every moment I get and spend it walking and eating, making cups of tea, collecting wood for the winter,

" Life is about change. Sometimes it's painful. Sometimes it's beautiful. But most of the time, it's both." – Lana Lang

Right now I am in the middle, beauty and pain either side of me. Generally I am in a much better place that I was four months ago, or four years ago, but I am also dealing with far more crap than I have had to do in a long time. I am leaning on my sober tools like never before, my favourite and most powerful tools are walking, meditating and writing.

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