
Figure 1: How people first connect with BCNA Figure 1: How people first connect with BCNA


10% 1% <1% 4%


3% 1%

BCNA booklet/factsheet BCNA brand Event Community fundraising event Family/Friends/Carer Healthcare professional referral Other cancer/community org Other Social media Search engine Unsure Missing data





5. Our brand is strong but BCNA’s profile in the community could be improved. The surveys confirmed that BCNA’s role in the cancer and broader health sector is well recognised as improving breast cancer outcomes through advocacy and the voice of lived experience. However, people reported that its similarity with other breast cancer organisations can cause confusion about the scope of services that BCNA delivers, such as breast care nurses (through the McGrath Foundation). There were also concerns raised by some members that the pink lady branding was not inclusive of diverse breast cancer experiences.

“I would like to see a pink lady (representing early breast cancer) holding a purple balloon (representing metastatic breast cancer) - the 2 together. Not all people go through the early stage, some people's first diagnosis is metastatic.” (Respondent 2661)

BCNA’s Experience project | Participant Summary


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