
What we’re doing next:

We want to make sure that we prioritise our work and resources in the right way over the next 12 months to implement changes to our resources. In the next 6 months, we’ll be: • Consulting with our consumer network, staff, and stakeholders to develop an implementation plan to prioritise recommended actions. • Presenting the outcomes of this national research at upcoming conferences such as the Cancer Nurses Society of Australia’s Annual Congress. • Reviewing organisational plans and resourcing to improve how we implement and monitor our information and support services, and to ensure that new and improved resources are sustainable. In 6-12 months, we’ll be: • Exploring new partnerships to implement some of the proposed actions by building connection across the cancer and research sectors. • Engaging with peak bodies that represent healthcare professionals and diverse community groups to seek advice about how to make sure our resources are accurate, appropriate, inclusive, and safe. In the next two years, we’ll be: • Reporting back to you about how we’re progressing through our website and other member communications. • Planning a future national survey to seek your feedback on changes to our resources and services in response to this survey - and to assess the future needs of families/carers (proposed for 2026-27).

Where to find further information: • To request a copy of the full research report, please email . With our thanks to: • Lived Experience Advisory Panel (BCNA members) and Healthcare Professional Advisory Panel who helped to design the surveys. • Project Working Group (including BCNA consumer representatives) who helped guide the project. • All BCNA members and healthcare professionals who participated in the survey. Opportunities to continue to contribute and remain connected with BCNA: • Members can sign up to BCNA’s Review and Survey Group to receive communications about opportunities to contribute to cancer research projects and studies across Australia. • Healthcare professionals can sign up to BCNA’s Healthcare Professional News to remain updated about BCNA activities and impact and information tailored to healthcare professionals (details are available here ).

BCNA’s Experience project | Participant Summary


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