Elevate February 2024 | Air Serbia



Tri pitanja za...

Three questions for...

Aleksandra Dugalića, kapetana

Aleksandar Dugalić, captain


Pošto smo u ljubavnom mesecu, koja bi desti- nacija Er Srbije bila najbolja za neko romantič- no putovanje? – Er Srbija leti na mnoge romantične mediteran- ske destinacije sa blagim zimama, idealne za posetu

Given that we’re in the month of “lovers”, which Air Serbia destination would be the best for some ro- mantic trip? “Air Serbia flies to many romantic Mediterranean de- stinations with mild winters that are ideal to visit in Febru-

NACIONALNA AVIO-KOMPANIJA REPUBLIKE SRBIJE pod imenom Er Srbija posluje od oktobra 2013. godine, kada je promenila ime i celokupan identitet, uvodeći nove kon- cepte poslovanja i usluge širom rastuće saobraćajne mre- že. Naslednica je prve avio-kompanije na ovim prostorima – „Aeroputa“, koji je osnovan u junu 1927. godine. Od tada do danas Er Srbija je bila među liderima civilnog vazduhoplov- stva, a od 1961. godine je članica Međunarodne asocijacije avio-prevoznika (IATA). Er Srbija leti do preko 80 redovnih i čarter-destinaci- ja u Evropi, na Mediteranu, Severnoj Americi i Africi, a sada i Aziji, i to u putničkom i teretnom saobraćaju. U saradnji sa partnerskim avio-kompanijama u prilici je da putnicima po- nudi letove do međunarodnih odredišta u Aziji, Australiji, Severnoj Americi i Africi. Pored matičnog Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, Er Srbija u Srbiji leti i sa niškog aerodroma „Konstantin Ve- liki“, kao i sa međunarodnog aerodroma „Morava“ kod Kra- ljeva. Er Srbija igra ključnu ulogu u razvoju vazduhoplovstva u Srbiji, srpske industrije putovanja i turističke privrede Srbi- je. Prioritet kompanije je pružanje usluge izuzetnog kvalite- ta za putnike. Cilj nam je da putnicima pružimo maksimalnu udobnost tokom putovanja, bez obzira na klasu kojom lete.

THE NATIONAL AIRLINE OF THE REPUBLIC OF SERBIA has been operating under the Air Serbia name since October 2013, when the national carrier’s name and overall identity were chan- ged, with the introduction of new business concepts and services across its growing network of destinations. Air Serbia is the direct successor of the region’s first airline: Aeroput, which was founded in June 1927, and since then the Ser- bian national airline has been among the leaders of civil aviation, becoming a member of the International Air Transport Associati- on (IATA) in 1961. Air Serbia flies to more than 80 scheduled and charter destinations in Europe, the Mediterranean region, North America and Africa, but now also Asia, providing both passenger and cargo transport services. In cooperation with its partner airli- nes, Air Serbia is able to offer flights to international destinations in Asia, Australia, North America and Africa. Alongside Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, as its hub, Air Ser- bia also flies from Serbian airports Niš Constantine the Great and Morava Airport near Kraljevo. Air Serbia plays a key role in the development of aviation in Serbia, but also Serbia’s travel and tourism industry. The com- pany’s priority is to offer passengers an exceptionally high-quality service. Our aim is to provide passengers with maximum comfort throughout their journey, regardless of which class they fly. Air Serbia recently marked the first anniversary of the establishing of scheduled flights between Belgrade and Tianjin. Along that route, over the course of just over one year, the Serbian national airline opera- ted a total of 61 return flights with its Airbus A330 aircraft. On the occa- sion of the anniversary, a service was organised for passengers on flight JU702 from Belgrade to Tianjin, as well as on the return flight JU703. The crew flying from Tianjin to Belgrade shared a celebratory cake prepared by Megacap at Binhai International Airport prior to boarding the plane. In addition to cake, passengers also enjoyed a lottery in which they could win a model Airbus A330 aircraft sporting the colours of Air Serbia. Er Srbija je nedavno obeležila prvu godišnjicu od uspostavljanja redovnih letova između Beograda i Tjenđina. Na toj ruti, za nešto više od godinu dana, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija realizovala je uku- pno 61 povratni let avionima „erbas A330“. Povodom godišnjice, za putnike je bilo organizovano posluženje na letu JU702 iz Beograda za Tjenđin, kao i na povratnom letu JU703 iz Kine ka Srbiji. Posada koja je letela iz Tjenđina za Beograd pre ulaska u avion je na Aerodromu „Bin- hai“ delila slavljeničku tortu koju je pripremio „Megakep“. Pored torte, putnici su uživali i u lutriji, na kojoj su mogli da osvoje model aviona „er- bas A330“ u bojama Er Srbije.

u februaru. Izdvojio bih Valetu na Malti sa njenim baroknim znameni- tostima, tirkiznim morem i vinskom tradicijom koja datira još od starih Feničana i Rimljana. Takođe i toplu Malagu i jedinstven zalazak sunca sa brda Gibralfaro. Er Srbija je u prethodnoj go- dini uvela veliki broj novih de- stinacija. Jeste li već otkrili svoju omiljenu među njima? – Pored meni veoma dragih gradova Varne i Krakova, u 2023. poleteli smo i za Napulj i tako pribli- žili Beogradu čarobnu Amalfi oba- lu. Na samo sat i po vožnje od Na- pulja nalaze se gradovi Pozitano, Ravelo i Sorento, mondenska leto- vališta poznata po pastelnim kuća- ma u stenama. Još jedna od novih destinacija koje obavezno morate posetiti je Ohrid, jer je Ohridsko je- zero jedno od najstarijih u Evropi, proglašeno za svetsku baštinu pod zaštitom Uneska. I jedno stručno pitanje: koji

ary. I would single out Malta’s Valletta, with its baroque attractions, turquoise waters and a wine tradition that dates all the way back to the ancient Phoenicians and Ro- mans. There’s also the warm Málaga and its unique sunsets from Mount Gibralfa- ro hill.” Air Serbia introduced a large number of new destinations last year. Have you already discovered your fa- vourite among them? “Apart from the cities of Varna and Krakow, which are very dear to me, we al- so launched flights to Naples in 2023, thus bringing the magical Amalfi Coast closer to Belgrade. Located just a 90-mi- nute drive from Naples are the towns of Positano, Ravello and Sorrento, all of whi- ch are trendy resorts known for their pa- stel-coloured stone houses. Another of the new destinations that’s a must-visit is Ohrid, as Lake Ohrid is one of Europe’s ol- dest lakes and has been declared a Wor- ld Heritage Site and placed under UNES- CO protection.” And one “technical” question:

Godinu dana letenja do Kine A year of flights to China

deo vremena leta avionom upravlja autopilot i da li vam je dosadno kad ste u tom režimu? – Autopilot se najčešće uključuje neposredno nakon samog poletanja i isključuje u finalnoj fazi le- ta, kada pilot preuzima komande i samostalno sle- će avionom. S obzirom na to da je vazdušni saobra- ćaj iznad Evrope prilicno gust, piloti imaju dosta posla i potrebna je velika koncentracija da bi se let obavio na siguran i bezbedan način, tako da prostora za do- sadu nema.

which part of a flight is controlled by the autopilot and do you get bored when flying in that mode? “The autopilot is usually engaged immediately after departure and disengaged in the final stage of the flight, when the pilot takes command and lands the plane inde- pendently. Considering that air traffic over Europe is qui- te congested, pilots have plenty of work to do and require a lot of concentration to ensure the flight is conducted in a safe and secure way, so there isn’t room for boredom.”

Er Srbija leti na mnoge romantične destinacije sa blagim zimama, idealne za posetu u februaru, a ja bih izdvojio Maltu Air Serbia flies to many romantic destinations with mild winters that are ideal to visit in February, and I would single out Malta

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