Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je tokom 2023. godine pot- pisala dva nova kod-šer ugovora. Već na početku godine sa Katar er- vejzom potpisan je sveobuhvatan ugovor kojim su putnicima omogu- ćena jednostavnija putovanja na vi- še od 40 destinacija u okviru mre- ža srpskog i katarskog nacionalnog avio-prevoznika. Počev od 26. jula Er Srbija je uspostavila kod-šer sarad- nju i sa kompanijom Džetblu, posta- vivši svoj „JU“ kod na 25 destinacija u okviru Džetblu mreže. Na taj način znatno je unapređena mogućnost putovanja između Sjedinjenih Ame- ričkih Država i destinacija u okviru mreže Er Srbije. Tokom prošle godi- ne obnovljene su i proširene kod- šer i međukompanijske saradnje i sa avio-kompanijama „Turkiš erlajns“, „Ameriken erlajns“ i „Er Čajna“. Uz sve navedeno, Er Srbija je u 2023. godini sprovela dva velika konkursa za članove kabinske posa- de, na koje se ukupno prijavilo više od 1.700 zainteresovanih kandida- ta. U decembru je realizovan i kon- kurs za nove članove letačke posa- de, a uporedo s njim promovisana su 23 kapetana, što je najveći broj no- vih kapetana za jednu godinu u pro- teklih nekoliko decenija. U cilju pružanja još bolje usluge za korisnike, pored postojećeg kon- takt-centra u Beogradu, Er Srbija je otvorila i dodatne kapacitete u Nišu. Na konkurs se prijavilo oko 400 kan-
stven spoj motiva srpskog kulturnog nasleđa sa prepoznatljivim simboli- ma Er Srbije. Deset godina poslova- nja obeleženo je i brojnim aktivnosti- ma i unapređenjima, među kojima je pokretanje nove poslovnice na dru- gom spratu Tržnog centra „Galeri- ja“, modernizovanje veb-sajta, uvo- đenje nove muzike za ukrcavanje u avione, kao i predstavljanje specijal- ne poštanske marke u saradnji sa JP „Pošta Srbije“, dizajnirane u čast de- setog rođendana. Krajem 2023. godine srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija potpi- sala je memorandum o razumeva- nju sa kompanijom „Menzies Aviati- on“, vodećim globalnim partnerom za usluge zemaljskog opsluživa- nja, u nameri da pokrenu zajednič- ko ulaganje, ali i kao podršku ambi- cioznim planovima daljeg rasta Er Srbije. U okviru te saradnje „Men- zies“ će pružati usluge zemaljskog opsluživanja putnicima Er Srbije na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla Beograd“ od februara 2024. godine. Prema sporazumu koji su potpi- sale Er Srbija i Ministarstvo građevi- narstva, saobraćaja i infrastrukture, srpska nacionalna avio-kompanija će u naredne četiri godine obavljati avio-prevoz na deset linija od javnog značaja sa dva aerodroma u Srbiji – „Morava“ kod Kraljeva i „Konstantin Veliki“ u Nišu. Iz Kraljeva će Er Srbija tokom cele godine leteti za Istanbul, a tokom letnje sezone za Solun i Ti- vat. Er Srbija će iz Niša saobraćati do Frankfurta, Ljubljane, Kelna, Istanbu- la, Beograda i Atine, a tokom letnje sezone i do Tivta. Verujući da je obrazovanje te- melj za izgradnju stabilne buduć- nosti i uverena da se ulaganjem u obrazovanje današnjih studenata doprinosi boljoj budućnosti, Er Sr- bija se pridružila projektu „Student- ska kartica“, omogućivši studentima popust od 10 odsto na iznos tarife u okviru cene avio-karte, dok se sa že- ljom da pomogne penzionerima da putuju po nižim cenama kompanija odazvala na poziv države i učestvo- vala u projektu „Penzionerska kar- tica“. Na taj način penzionerima je obezbeđen popust od 15 odsto na cenu avio-karata Er Srbije.
should be proud of, in 2023 we also faced numerous external challeng- es that made our work difficult. A slow supply chain and a lack of spare parts on the global market, a lack of manpower and equipment at cer- tain airports, industrial actions of airport services around the world, unfavourable weather conditions – all of this contributed to oper- ations being difficult to carry out throughout the year, especially in the summer season. We are now moving forward based on the ex- periences gained during 2023. In 2024, we will do our best to ade- quately address challenges, in or- der to provide passengers with a better user experience than in the previous year,” said Air Serbia CEO Jiri Marek. The Serbian national airline signed two new codeshare agree- ments in 2023. A comprehensive agreement was signed with Qatar Airways at the beginning of the year, enabling passengers to travel seam- lessly to over 40 destinations with- in the networks of both the Serbian and Qatari national carriers. Start- ing from 26 th July, Air Serbia es- tablished a codeshare partnership with JetBlue, placing its “JU” code on 25 destinations within the Jet- Blue network. This has significant- ly enhanced travel options between the United States and destinations within the Air Serbia network. Oth- er codeshare agreements and inter- line collaborations were renewed and expanded throughout the past year, with companies such as Turk- ish Airlines, American Airlines and Air China. In addition to the aforemen- tioned, Air Serbia also conducted two significant cabin crew recruit- ment campaigns in 2023, with a total of over 1,700 interested can- didates applying. A recruitment campaign for new flight crew mem- bers was conducted in December, while 23 captains were concurrent- ly promoted, marking the highest number of new captains in a single year over the past several decades. To provide passengers with an even better service, Air Serbia has
added to its existing contact cen- tre in Belgrade with the opening of additional offices in Niš. Approx- imately 400 candidates applied for positions and an exceptionally high response contributed to the company doubling the number of agents hired. Instead of the 20 ini- tially planned, 40 new agents were hired in the first phase. Moreover, ten new CLC agents from Niš joined Air Serbia Ground Services (ASGS), a subsidiary of Air Serbia, provid- ing support in the control of air- craft ground handling. Air Serbia currently has 70 employees in Niš. The Serbian national airline marked ten years of operations un- der the Air Serbia name on 26 th Oc- tober 2023. New uniforms were al- so created to mark the occasion of a decade of operations, featuring a unique blend of motifs from Serbi- an cultural heritage, combined with recognisable symbols of Air Serbia. The tenth anniversary of operations was marked by numerous activities and improvements, including the opening of a new retail shop on the second floor of Belgrade’s Galeri- ja Shopping Centre, the moderni- sation of the airline’s website, the introduction of new boarding mu- sic and the presentation of a special postage stamp, produced in collab- oration with the Serbian Postal Ser- vice, Posta Serbia, and designed to honour the 10 th anniversary. The Serbian national airline signed a memorandum of under- standing in late 2023 with Menzies Aviation, a leading global partner for ground handling services, with the
intention of launching a joint invest- ment and providing support to Air Serbia’s ambitious further growth plans. As part of this collaboration, Menzies will offer ground handling services to Air Serbia passengers at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport start- ing in February 2024. According to an agreement signed between Air Serbia and the Serbian Ministry of Construction, Transport and Infrastructure, the Serbian national airline will oper- ate air transport along ten routes classified as Public Service Obliga- tions from two airports in Serbia – Morava Airport near Kraljevo and Niš Constantine the Great Airport – over the next four years. Air Ser- bia will fly from Kraljevo to Istan- bul year-round, but also to Thessa- loniki and Tivat during the summer season. It will also operate flights from Niš to Frankfurt, Ljubljana, Cologne, Istanbul, Belgrade and Athens, but also to Tivat during the summer season. In the belief that education pro- vides the foundation to build a sta- ble future, and convinced that in- vesting in the education of today’s students contributes to a better fu- ture, Air Serbia has joined the “Stu- dent Card” project, which provides students with a 10 per cent discount on the tariff amount within airfares. Furthermore, with the aim of help- ing pensioners travel at lower pric- es, the company also participated in the “Pensioner Card” project initiat- ed by the state, thus enabling pen- sioners to receive a 15% discount on the price of Air Serbia tickets.
Srpska nacionalna avio-
didata, a izuzetno dobar odziv dopri- neo je da kompanija udvostruči broj agenata koje je zaposlila. Umesto prvobitno planiranih 20, već u prvoj fazi posao je dobilo 40 novih age- nata. Pored toga, deset novih CLC agenata iz Niša pridružilo se kom- paniji „Air Serbia Ground Services“ (ASGS), ćerki-firmi Er Srbije koja pruža podršku u kontroli zemaljskog opsluživanja aviona. Trenutno u Nišu za Er Srbiju radi 70 zaposlenih. Srpska nacionalna avio-kom- panija je 26. oktobra 2023. obeleži- la deset godina od kada posluje pod imenom Er Srbija. Povodom dece- nije poslovanja kreirane su nove uni- forme, čiji dizajn predstavlja jedin-
kompanija je u prethodnoj godini u
Jirži Marek, generalni direktor Er Srbije, i Filip Joanig, generalni direktor kompanije „Menzies Aviation“ Jiri Marek, CEO of Air Serbia, and Philipp Joeinig, CEO of Menzies Aviation
redovnom saobraćaju letela na ukupno 87 ruta do 34 zemlje širom Evrope, Severne Amerike, Azije i Afrike Over the previous year, the Serbian national airline operated scheduled flights along a total of 87 routes to 34 countries across Europe, North America, Asia and Africa
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