Na letu
On board
Zbog radosti u susretu sa nečim novim / Because of the joy of encountering something new
– JOŠ OD MALIH NO- GU VOLIM AVIONE. Zbog toga što me mogu odvesti u druge svetove, kulture, siste- me vrednosti, i to na najbrži mogući načn. I danas kada se približavam aerodromu, sve- sno podstičem osećaj neizve- snosti i radosti zbog susreta sa nečim novim po izlasku iz aviona. Nekako su se, vre- menom, uzbuđenje i radost zbog putovanja spojili sa le- tenjem avionom, aerodromi- ma i komešanjem putnika na njima. Nikada sebi ni- sam dozvolila da ih posma- tram samo kao saobraćajno sredstvo. Bez čega ne ulazite u avion? – U avion ne ulazim bez novina za čitanje, obično ne- deljnika za koje nemam mno- go vremena, a tu su i žvake, slušalice, muzika sa kojom su putovanja i život uopšte mnogo lepši.
“I’VE LOVED PLANES SINCE I WAS LITTLE , be- cause of the fact that they can carry me to other worlds, cul- tures, value systems, and can do so in the fastest possible way. And to this very day, whenever I approach an airport, I conscious- ly encourage feelings of uncer- tainty and joy over encounter- ing something new after leaving the plane. Somehow, over time, that excitement and joy of trav- elling has been fused with flying by plane, airports, and the com- motion of travellers in them. I’ve never allowed myself to see them purely as a means of transport.” What don’t you board a plane without? “I don’t board a plane with- out a newspaper to read, usually a weekly that I ordinarily don’t have much time for, while there’s also chewing gum, headphones, and music that makes travelling and life in general much more beautiful.”
Verica Bradić, novinarka / journalist
Ko je Verica Diplomirana pravni-
WHO IS VERICA? A qualified lawyer with a completed bar exam, she nonetheless sought her own professional happiness else- where. She found it on tele- vision, working on numerous shows that she has present- ed on many television sta- tions. She is currently at TV Pink, where she works as an author, editor and presenter of the extremely popular talk show Hit Tvit.
ca sa pravosudnim ispi- tom, ipak je svoju profe- sionalnu sreću tražila na drugom mestu. Našla ju je na televiziji u brojnim emisijama koje je vodila na raznim televizijama. Trenutno je na televiziji „Pink“, na kojoj kao autor, urednik i voditelj radi ve- oma popularni tok-šou „Hit tvit“.
Tekst / Words: Ljiljana Perović Fotografije / Photography: Goran Srdanov
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