Kontakt-informacije / Contact information Adresa / Address: Sanje Živanovića br. 5 (Senjak), 11000 Beograd Informacije i rezervacije vinskih tura / Information and wine tour reservations: +381 66 641 00 41 E-mail: reservations@ http://www. Instagram: wine_cellar_ panajotovic
Magija degustacije „Podruma Panajotović“ / The magic of wine tastings at the Panajotović Wine Cellar U Beogradu postoji jedno mesto koje turisti često upoređuju sa Napom, Sonomom, Francuskom, Italijom... / Belgrade is home to a place that tourists often compare with Napa, Sonoma, France and Italy…
U šuškana u mir- nom delu Beogra- da, na Senjaku, Vi- narija „Panajotović“ već petnaest godina oduševljava strane i domaće go- ste svojim nesvakidašnjim, mi- stičnim ambijentom i neobičnim degustacijama vina. Svakako, kada dolaze prvi put kod nas, gosti ne znaju šta da očekuju. Po dolasku spuštaju se 10 metara pod zemlju uskim, vijugavim hodnicima osvetljenim svećama koji vode do degustacio- nih sala, sa raskošno postavljenim stolovima, takođe osvetljenih sa- mo mnoštvom sveća. Naša mreža laguma, u kojima održavamo ture i čuvamo vina, deo je velike mreže podzemnih tunela ispod Beogra- da koju su sagradili Rimljani još u 2. veku n.e. Koncept degustacije je naprav- ljen tako da gosti, zajedno sa vo- dičem somelijerom, ispituju orga- noleptička svojstva vina, uparuju ga sa toplom domaćom hranom, a onda ponovo opažaju promene istog vina nastale tokom obroka. Vodič, nakon svakog vina, goste vodi na putovanje kroz istoriju i kulturu vina od antičkih vremena do danas sa akcentom na početke i razvoj vinogradarstva u Srbiji od prvih vinograda koje su zasadili Ri- mljani. U proteklih 15 godina ugo- stili smo na hiljade kako domaćih, tako i stranih turista, koji su svo- jom impresijom uticali na unapre- đenje naših vinskih tura. Osluškujući želje i potrebe na-
N estled away in Senjak, a serene and quaint Belgrade neighbour- hood, the Panajotović Winery has been de- lighting both domestic and foreign guests, with its unique and myste- rious atmosphere and unusual wine tastings, for over fifteen years. When they first arrive, guests are not quite sure what to expect. They descend ten metres underground, down narrow, candlelit corridors that lead to tasting rooms with lavishly set dining tables, and also illuminated with numerous candles. Our under- ground corridors, where we host our wine tours and store our wines, form part of the large network of tunnels beneath Belgrade that were built by the Romans in the 2 nd century AD. Together with our guide, a somme- lier, our guests test the organolep- tic properties of the wines, pairing them with warm dishes of domes- tic cuisine, enabling them to observe how the same wines change through- out the meal. Following every glass of wine, the guide takes our guests on a journey through the history and culture of wine from antiquity to the modern day, placing an em- phasis on the beginnings and evolu-
tion of winemaking in Serbia since the first vineyards were planted by the Romans. Over the course of the past 15 years, we have hosted thou- sands of domestic and foreign tour- ists, whose impressions of our win- ery influenced improvements to our wine tasting tours. By listening closely to the wish- es and needs of our guests from all over the world, we have come up with several distinct wine tasting tours. Apart from foreign guests, we are of- ten also visited by guests from vari- ous embassies and companies that organise a variety of diplomatic, cor- porate and team building events in our cellar. All the wines tasted during our tours are produced at our winery, which was founded back in 1927. Four generations later, oenologist Vladimir Panajotović today contin- ues his family tradition of winemak- ing, which he has perfected using modern technologies. Vladimir has spent a number of years working as a wine production consultant, which has enabled him to help set up nu- merous wineries and actively par- ticipate in the creating of new wine trends around the country and the entire region.
ših gostiju koji dolaze sa svih stra- na sveta, napravili smo više tipova vinskih tura. Pored stranih turi- sta, česti gosti su nam iz različi- tih ambasada, domaćih i stranih firmi koji održavaju tim bildinge i korporativne proslave. Sva vina koja se degustiraju su iz naše proizvodnje, čija tradicija počinje daleke 1927. godine. Četiri generacije kasnije diplomirani eno- log Vladimir Panajotović nastavlja porodičnu tradiciju pravljenja vina koju je usavršio modernim tehno- logijama. Vladimir se dugi niz go- dina uspešno bavi konsaltingom u oblasti proizvodnje vina, čime je pomogao u osnivanju više vina- rija, i aktivno učestvuje u kreira- nju novih vinskih trendova u ze- mlji i regionu.
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