KIRAN KALKIN JE PROTIV / KIERAN CULKIN IS AGAINST IT Hoće li „Naslednici“ dobiti spin-of? Will Succession get a spinoff?
IT’S HARD TO BELIEVE HBO’S AWARDS-MAGNET IS GONE FOR GOOD. Particularly given Kieran Culkin’s recent state- ment that show creator Jesse Arm- strong has some really awesome ide- as for a potential new season. The world of Succession really is suffi- ciently rich and layered to support any number of potential spinoffs, but the aforementioned Culkin says making one would be a bad idea. Ac- tually, speaking at the recent Gold- en Globes award ceremony, the ac- tor said that he thinks the idea of a spinoff from the hit drama series sounds “horrible”. “I feel like I should have a joke for this, but I feel like a spinoff is a horrible idea. Just the word spinoff doesn’t appeal to me. Sometimes they work, yeah… we all loved Frasier, but not every show can be Frasier.” Still, according to Culkin, one character could actually work with a series of his own: Greg Hirsch, who is portrayed by Nicholas Braun. “Cousin Greg would make a good spinoff show, I’ve got to be honest. That would be kind of fun.” Otherwise, when it comes to TV awards, the Golden Globes once again went as expected, and as such were a bit boring. In the category of Best Drama Series, the victory went to – yes, you’ve guessed it, Succes- sion, along with its stars Culkin and Sarah Snook. Matthew Macfadyen was also declared best supporting actor in a TV drama series, mean- ing that Succession won the most Golden Globes in the TV catego- ries. So, no surprises there then... According to the actor, who plays Roman Roy, the only character who could be worthy of getting his own show is Cousin Greg
Po mišljenju glumca koji je tumačio Romana Roja, jedini lik koji bi mogao da zasluži svoju seriju jeste rođak Greg
TEŠKO JE POVEROVATI DA JE HBO MAGNET ZA NA- GRADE ZAUVEK GOTOV. Po- gotovo pošto je Kiran Kalkin pre nekoliko meseci rekao da tvo- rac serije Džesi Armstrong ima neke zaista sjajne ideje za po- tencijalni nastavak. Svet „Na- slednika“ zaista jeste dovoljno bogat i slojevit da podrži više od jednog spin-ofa, ali pomenu- ti Kalkin kaže da bi to ipak bi- la loša ideja. U stvari, glumac je na nedavnoj dodeli Zlatnih glo- busa priznao da mu ideja o na- stavku hit drame zvuči užasno. – Osecam da bi trebalo da se našalim na ovu temu, ali stvar- no mislim da je spin-of užasna ideja. Ma ni sama ta reč mi se ne sviđa. Mislim, nekad to upali, svi smo voleli „Frejžera“, ali ne mo-
že svaka serija da bude „Frejžer“. Ipak, prema Kalkinu, jedan lik bi zapravo mogao da dobije svoju posebnu seriju, i to Greg Hirš, koga glumi Nikolas Braun. – Rođak Greg bi bila dobra spin-of serija, moram biti iskren. To bi bilo zabavno. Inače, kada je reč o televizij- skim nagradama, dodela Zlatnih globusa ponovo je bila očekiva- na, pa i pomalo dosadna. U kate- goriji Najbolja televizijska serija (drama) pobedu su odneli – „Na- slednici“, baš kao i glumac Ki- ran Kalkin i glumica Sara Snuk. Za najboljeg sporednog glumca proglašen je Metju Mekfadjen, te je serija osvojila najveci broj Zlatnih globusa u televizijskim kategorijama. Dakle, bez izne- nađenja...
Emi nagrade prepisale su dodelu Zlatnih globusa, pa su svi iz „Naslednika“ pokupili ista priznanja The Emmys actually “copied” the Golden Globes with its awards this year, so all the winners from Succession also picked up those prizes
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