Elevate February 2024 | Air Serbia


svakog pojedinca. Posebno ce biti naklonjena onima koji su rođeni u godinama Majmuna i Pacova. Ljudi rođeni u godinama Petla, Zmije, Zmaja i Svinje ta- kođe ce imati koristi, ali onima rođenim u godini Psa 2024. može biti problematična. Zmaj je jedan od četiri nebeska stvorenja, zajed- no sa tigrom, kornjačom i feniksom, koji se ponaša kao čuvar životne sredine u feng šuiju, kineskom filo- zofskom sistemu. Kada su postavljeni zajedno, zmaj i feniks predstavljaju večnu srecu, zbog čega se ta dva simbola često nalaze na svadbenim poklonima. Inače, 2024. je kritična godina u feng šuiju jer zemlja prelazi iz Osmog perioda (2004–2023), koji je bio povezan sa izobiljem, u Deveti period (2024– 2043). Obojene strašcu, transformacijom i prosvet- ljenjem, narednih 20 godina ce doneti brze prome- ne i ponuditi potencijal za rast, a to će početi od 4. februara. Period Devet ce se ponovo pojaviti tek u 23. veku kao deo ciklusa od 180 godina zasnovanog na solarnom kalendaru. Devetka predstavlja sunce, izvor sve svetlosti, tako da je to vreme za sagledava- nje stvari onakvima kakve stvarno jesu. Astrolozi ta- kođe očekuju snažnu Jang energiju, koja predstav- lja aktivno okruženje, svetle boje i živahne prostore, zbog veze sa vatrom, elementom Janga. Plemeniti Zmaj Prema kineskoj legendi, zmaj je došao na peto mesto u trci ko- ju je organizovao Car od žada želeći da omogući ljudima lak- še računanje vremena. Životinjama koje su se odazvale njego- vom pozivu da se takmiče plivajući preko reke, obećao je da će po njima nazvati godine. Odazvalo se samo 12 životinja i pobe- dio je prepredeni Pacov, za njim su stigli Bivo, Tigar i Zec, a tek onda Zmaj. S obzirom na njegove nadmoćne sposobnosti, car je bio zapanjen i zahtevao je da sazna šta se dogodilo. Zmaj je odgovorio da je privremeno napustio trku kako bi ugasio požar koji je video u obližnjem selu. Priča je označila početak drevnih priča o hrabrom i dobrodušnom zmaju koji je nastojao da zašti- ti čovečanstvo i služi mu. NOBLE DRAGON According to Chinese legend, the dragon came fifth in a race or- ganised by the Jade Emperor to make it easier for people to keep track of time. The emperor promised to name years after the an- imals that responded to his invitation to compete by swimming across the river. Only 12 animals responded, the cunning Rat won, followed by the Ox, the Tiger and the Rabbit, and only then the Dragon. Given the dragon’s superior abilities, the emperor was astounded and demanded to know what happened. The drag- on replied that he had temporarily left the race to put out a fire he had seen in a nearby village. The story marked the start of ancient tales of the courageous and kind-hearted dragon who sought to protect and serve humankind.


tenderest of the 12 zodiac animals, fades away. Com- petence will be the dominant feeling in 2024, which may inspire people to advance in their professional and personal lives. Wood symbolises spring and encourages expansion and fortification. You will experience your own person- al growth and refreshing renewal. Add to this the con- fidence, allure and dynamic energy of the dragon and you are headed for success. This environment is accen- tuated by the dragon’s association with yang, the active principle of the universe in ancient Chinese philoso- phy, characterised by activity, positivity and produc- tivity. Astrologers therefore expect the year ahead to suit innovators, risk takers and visionary leaders. En- trepreneurs and start-ups, they say, will be favoured in particular, while the fields of technology, artificial intel- ligence, software development, cybersecurity and cryp- tocurrency are expected to thrive. Astrologers also predict that the Year of the Wood Dragon will bring some kind of positive change and opportunity for every individual, with those born in the years of the monkey and rat having a particular ad- vantage. People born in the years of the rooster, snake, dragon and pig will also benefit, but those born in the year of the dog could find 2024 troublesome. The dragon is one of four celestial creatures – along with the tiger, turtle and phoenix – that acts as a guard- ian of the environment in Feng Shui, the Chinese phil- osophical system. When placed together, the dragon and phoenix represent eternal happiness, which makes the pair auspicious decorations on wedding presents. More specifically, 2024 is a critical year in Feng Shui as the earth transitions from Period 8 (2004–23), which was associated with abundance, to Period 9 (2024–43). Characterised by passion, transformation and enlight- enment, the next 20 years are supposed to bring swift changes and offer growth potential. Starting on 4 th Feb- ruary, 2024, Period 9 will not come again until the 23 rd century, as part of a 180-year cycle based on the solar calendar. Star nine represents the sun, the source of all light, so Period 9 is a time for seeing things as they are. Astrologers also expect strong yang energy, rep- resented by active environments, bright colours and lively spaces, due to the dragon’s connection with fire, a yang element.


KOMPANIJA „WALTER“ OSTAJE POSVEĆENA PROŠIRIVANJU SVOG GASTRONOMSKOG PRISUSTVA , deleći svoju strast pre- ma izuzetnoj hrani sa širom publikom. Najnovija lokacija, na Aero- dromu „Nikola Tesla“ u Beogradu, ima za cilj da uhvati suštinu bren- da, nudeći ukus tradicionalne balkanske kuhinje kako domaćim, tako i internacionalnim putnicima. Poznata širom regiona po svojoj kulinarskoj izvrsnosti i posve- ćenosti domaćim specijalitetima, kompanija „Walter“ je ponosna na otvaranje restorana na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“, jer je time na- pravljen značajan korak napred za brend. Sada je prepoznatljiv ukus „Waltera“ nadohvat ruke i putnicima koji prolaze kroz jedan od najprometnijih aerodroma u ovom delu Evrope. Kao predah u dinamičnoj atmosferi Aerodroma „Nikola Tesla“, novi „Walter“ nudi pažljivo kreiran meni u skladu sa aktuelnim ga- stro-tendencijama, ali na istom nivou koji se očekuje s obzirom na posvećenost brenda kvalitetu i inovacijama. Putnici mogu uživati u raznovrsnom izboru specijaliteta od mesa, uključujući slavne ćeva- pe, pripremljene s pristupom koji je postao sinonim za ime „Walter“. Savremena i prijemčiva atmosfera restorana pruža dobrodoš- licu putnicima, pozivajući ih da uživaju u bogatim ukusima balkan- ske kuhinje pre ili nakon putovanja. Usresređeno na upotrebu naj- finijih sastojaka i održavanje autentičnosti tradicionalnih recepata, „Walter“ iskustvo na Aerodromu „Nikola Tesla“ obećava kulinarsko putovanje za sva čula.

THE WALTER COMPANY REMAINS COMMITTED TO EXPAN- DING ITS GASTRONOMIC PRESENCE , enabling it to share its pa- ssion for exceptional food with a wider audience. The latest location, at Belgrade Nikola Tesla Airport, aims to encapsulate the essence of the brand, offering the taste of traditional Balkan cuisine to both do- mestic and international travellers. Known throughout the region for its culinary excellence and de- dication to local specialties, the Walter company is proud to open a restaurant at Nikola Tesla Airport, marking a significant step forward for the brand. Walter's distinctive taste is now available to travellers passing through one of the busiest airports in this part of Europe. As a shift in the dynamic atmosphere of Nikola Tesla Airport, the new Walter offers a carefully crafted menu that’s in line with current gastronomic trends, while providing the level of service that’s expe- cted given the brand’s commitment to quality and innovation. Trave- llers can indulge in a diverse selection of meat specialities, including the famous ćevapi meat sticks, prepared using an approach that has become synonymous with the Walter brand. The restaurant’s modern and inviting atmosphere welcomes travellers, inviting them to enjoy the rich flavours of Balkan cuisine ei- ther before or after their journey. Focused on using the finest ingre- dients and maintaining the authenticity of traditional recipes, the Walter experience at Nikola Tesla Airport promises a culinary journey for all the senses.

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