Elevate February 2024 | Air Serbia

Ritam Srbije Rhythm of Serbia

U Narodnom muzeju u Beogradu čuvaju se najvredniji arheološki i umetnički predmeti koji dočaravaju bogato multikulturno nasleđe Srbije i drugih delova Evrope i sveta

Belgrade’s National Museum of Serbia preserves the most valuable archaeological and artistic objects that encapsulate Serbia’s rich multicultural heritage, but also that of other parts of Europe and the world

Muzej hleba „Jeremija“, Pećinci Osnovan 1995. godine, ovaj muzej nastao je posle dugogodišnjeg istraživačkog rada slikara Slobodana Jeremića Jeremije. On je, putujući po Srbiji, skupljao oru- đa, mašine, zapisivao običaje i potom, u objektima koje je sam podigao, izložio oko 2.000 predmeta za preradu pšenice i kukuruza, mešenje i pečenje hleba. Muzej poseduje i zbirku obrednih hlebova, a mnogi eksponati su iz praistorije i antike. Postavka govori o značaju i simbolici hleba i pokazuje put zrna pšenice od zemlje, preko hleba, do neba, korespondirajući tako sa ciklusima Jeremijinih sli- ka. U okviru ovog kompleksa nalazi se i crkva posvećena srpskoj slavi, kao i zbir- ka Jeremijinih dela.


SERBIAN MUSEUM OF BREAD – JEREMIJA, PEĆINCI Established in 1995, this museum emerged following many years of research con- ducted by painter Slobodan Jeremić, aka Jeremija. On his travels around Serbia, he collected tools and machines and recorded customs, after which he exhibited - in buildings that he himself built - around 2,000 objects related to the processing of wheat and corn and the kneading and baking of bread. The museum also boasts a collection of ritual breads, with many exhibits dating back to prehistory and an- tiquity. The permanent exhibition is a testimony to the importance and symbolism of bread, while it also presents the journey of a grain of wheat from the earth, via bread, to heaven, thereby corresponding with the cycles of Jeremija’s paintings. The museum complex also includes a church dedicated to the glory of Serbia, but also a collection of Jeremija’s own works.

Preko šibica i štafeta, od pšenice do vunice / From wheat to wool, via matchsticks and relay batons Srbija je dom izuzetno zanimljivih muzeja koji čuvaju neobična blaga / Serbia is home to extremely interesting museums that are blessed with extraordinary treasures

OBILAZAK MUZEJA možda je najbolji način da saznate mnogo o istoriji, kulturi i umetnosti jed- nog naroda. Srbija je prava rizni- ca velikih i malih muzeja, auten- tičnih mesta u kojima se čuvaju tradicija i dostignuća. Ovo je tek skroman izbor nekih zanimljivih muzeja Srbije. TOURING A MUSEUM is per- haps the best way to discover a lot about a nation’s history, culture and art. And Serbia is a genuine treas- ure trove of large and small muse- ums, representing authentic spots where traditions and achievements are preserved. Here we present just a short selection of Serbia’s inter- esting museums...

Tekst / Words: Jovana Subotić Fotografije / Photography: Profimedia.rs

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