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„MSC World Europa“ kao novi brod u foti za kružna putovanja predstavlja pravu metropolu na moru, sa 22 palube i skoro 10.000 ljudi

MSC World Europa, as the latest ship in the cruiser fleet, represents a true metropolis on the seas, with 22 decks and almost 10,000 people

KAD NAŠ BROD PLOVI, PLOVI... Dobro, ribu baš i ne lo- vi, što bi bio nastavak ove pesme, ali na krmi stvarno stojimo druga- rica i ja i gledamo kako naš brod ostavlja zapenušane bele brazde u teget-plavom moru. I ne možemo da verujemo da smo se ukrcale na jedan od najvećih brodova na sve- tu i da ćemo za sedam dana obići četiri države i šest gradova, što je možda i najbolja stvar kod kruzera. Dođete, raspakujete se, stavi- te lepo svoje stvarčice u ormare, a onda vaš hotel lepo putuje sa va- ma! Jer „MSC World Europa“ ko- jim smo putovale, šesti najveći brod na svetu kompanije „MSC Cruises“, zapravo i jeste jedan supermoderni luksuzni hotel koji lepo ide sa va- ma gde god da ste pošli. IIi je mož- da ipak obrnuto? Ali da krenemo iz početka, vodim vas u avanturu ko- ju ću pamtiti i, nadam se, ponoviti! Bez obzira na to što je ovo pri- ča o brodu, nje ne bi bilo da nije priče o avionu, a ta nam je priča ipak najdraža. Da biste se ukrcali na veliki kruzer, morate prvo da doletite do neke luke. Mi smo bi- rali Rim jer nam je bio najbliži, ali


Jedan od najvećih kruzera na svetu plovi svake noći, da biste se kao nekim čudom svakog jutra probudili u novom gradu brkajući „buenos dias“ i „buonđorno“. Ili se beše kaže „bonžur“? / One of the world’s largest cruise ships sets sail every night, enabling you to awaken each morning in a new city as if by some miracle, causing you to confuse buenos dias and buongiorno. Or do you say bonjour?


WHEN OUR SHIP SAILS, SAILS... Okay, it doesn’t really catch fish, which is how this song goes, but me and my friend really stood at the stern and watched how our ship left in its wake foaming white furrows in the dark blue sea. And we wouldn’t believe that we’d set sail on one of the world’s largest ships and that we would visit four countries and six cit- ies in just seven days, which is per- haps the best thing about a cruise ship. You arrive, unpack, arrange your things nicely in the closets, and then your hotel travels with you! That’s be- cause the ship we voyaged on, World Europa, the 6 th biggest cruise ship in the world and the biggest in the

fleet of company MSC Cruises, is ac- tually an ultramodern luxury hotel that goes with you wherever you’re headed. Or maybe it’s the other way around? But let’s start from the be- ginning, as I’m taking you on an ad- venture that I’ll always remember, and hopefully repeat! Despite this being a story about a ship, it wouldn’t exist if not for a story about a plane, and that story is still the dearest one to us. In order to board a large cruise ship, you must first fly to a port. We chose Rome, be-


Tekst / Words: Jelena Pantović Fotografije / Photography: Depositphotos, MSC Cruises, privatna arhiva

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