The Newsletter Pro - August 2020

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BUSINESS PROFILE HERE TO MEET THE CHALLENGES OF TODAY — AND TOMORROW Taylor Law Offices S ince 2011, Matthew Taylor has had an average of one new case every business day. As the founder of Taylor Law Offices, to say business sphere, and his clients left him glowing reviews on Google Reviews and similar websites.

After more growth, he moved into his current offices, which gave him and his associates 3,000 square feet of breathing room. But it wasn’t long until he dove headfirst into his next major challenge. When he moved, he told Google he wanted to keep all of his Google reviews. He was simply moving his office to a new location. He had about 50 at the time and they influenced his business. People read reviews. Those little stars do impact your reputation. Seems like an easy request, right? Except Google transferred Matthew’s review profile to another attorney who had the same last name. This other Taylor, a criminal defense attorney, had to hire an assistant to forward relevant calls back to Matthew. To make matters more complicated, Google marked Matthew’s firm as “permanently closed” for about eight months. The clients began to slow down because the world’s biggest search engine couldn’t get its act together. Of course, Matthew forged ahead. He worked with what he had and, despite the setback, continued to pull in the new legal matters. He knew what he had to do — and it came down to the mindset he’s had since day one, when he had to figure out how to start a law practice in recession-hit Idaho without any help, operate out of a tiny office, and bring in clients when no one had ever heard of him.

he’s been busy would be an understatement. The Boise, Idaho-based law firm, which specializes in business law and litigation, has grown significantly over the past few years. It’s become a force in the Treasure Valley, where Boise and many other prominent Idaho cities are located. Matthew is also the business attorney for The Newsletter Pro! When Matthew first opened Taylor Law Firm, he had just moved to Idaho from New York, where he had attended law school. While he is an Idaho native, he wasn’t from Boise. He was from a small town in southern Idaho a couple hundred miles from Boise. He didn’t know anyone in the capital city, but that wasn’t about to stop him. Neither did the recession, which in 2011, was still in full swing in the Gem State. Matthew was here to be a business attorney, and even though business clients were in short supply, he opened up an office anyway. It was a 300-square-foot room with two desks — and that was it. He didn’t even need the second desk; he just wanted it to look busier and larger. Perception is a big deal when you’re building a brand and a reputation. About seven months later, he hired his first assistant. Cases were rolling in as the economy started recovering. Eventually, the 300-square-foot office space became too crowded. He moved into a new space at just over double the square footage. The new office was in the basement of a prominent Boise building, the Hoff Building. He then brought on another attorney and growth continued. They saw clients in this basement office. Some clients thought it was a little strange, but they looked past it, as the results of the work spoke for itself. Matthew was establishing himself in the Boise

Matthew has seen a lot in the past nine years. He’s gone from a solo attorney to working at a firm with multiple lawyers. In 2020, the Boise area continues to grow considerably, and there’s a huge need for business transactional law and business civil litigation. Matthew and his law firm are there to meet that need. Matthew attributes much of his success and growth to being a dynamic personality. He’s aggressive for his clients and he’s always learning. But more than that, he distinguishes himself in his community. He puts himself out there and gives back at just about every opportunity. The Boise Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, for instance, has recognized him as Man of the Year for his fundraising and awareness efforts. Plus, Matthew doesn’t shy away from attending galas and donation events or holding his own events at his law firm — all with the intent of helping area nonprofits. He is a man of his community. “I always push for the best and I always practice. Nothing is ever good enough because I know what might be good enough today won’t be good enough tomorrow. I’m here to meet the challenge.”

“That’s why they call it the practice of law,” Matthew says. “We don’t always know what

we’re doing — that’s why we practice. We may be professionals and have our juris doctorates, but the law is always changing. You may have been the best attorney 20 years ago, but you can end up irrelevant today if you don’t push yourself, try new things, and try new cases.”




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