Winter Guide 2024-2025

Junior Space Science Investigator Badge Workshop

STEM Career Exploration

Design and Build: Transportation of the Future! Badge Workshop

Workshop with the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium

Date : Jan. 23 from 6pm-7:30pm

Date : Feb 27 from 5:30pm-7pm

Age Level : J

Date : Feb 12 from 6pm-8pm

Age Level : B

The stars shine bright out at Camp Tongawood! Join us at camp for an evening of stargazing with KC Skyientist, where we will create our own maps of the Solar System and learn what it means to observe the stars. Location: Camp Tongawood (18634 Evans Rd, Tonganoxie, KS 66086)

Age Level: J C

Envision, design, and build transportation of the future with our friends at the Magpie Creative Reuse Collective! Think through how we use cars and other transportation now. How can we improve it? Can we design new ways to travel that better fit the needs of our society, and our environment? Create a vision, set your design criteria, sketch your idea, and make a model using recycled materials! Location : Rosedale Development Association Event Space (1401 Southwest Blvd, Kansas City, KS 66103)

Have you ever wondered what it takes to care for wild animals? Do you enjoy learning about the tools scientists use? Have you wished you could save an endangered animal? Explore these questions and learn about careers in biology with our partners at the Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium, while earning your STEM Career Exploration badge! Location : Kansas City Zoo & Aquarium (6800 Zoo Dr, Kansas City, MO 64132)

Cost: $25

KU Engineering Discovery Day for Juniors

Cost : $25

Date : Jan. 25 from 10am-12pm

Cost : $13

Age Level: J

Discover all of the different possibilities in engineering at KU’s Engineering Discovery Day! You choose – work with KU Women in Computing to learn coding basics or KU Society of Women Engineers for hands-on fun building your own balloon car! Girls will also have the opportunity to test out drones and engage with other fun activities. Location : University of Kansas School of Engineering (1520 W. 15th St, Lawrence, KS 66045)

Cost : $25

Program Guide | 33

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