Stretch Physical Therapy & Total Wellness - July 2017

Get Up Offa That Thing!


“Sitting is more dangerous than smoking, kills more people than HIV, and is more treacherous than parachuting. We are sitting ourselves to death.”Those are the words of Dr. James Levine, who made headlines back in 2014 when he released the results of years of research into what’s really killing Americans. Just as cigarette use was killing Americans in droves back when the population still smoked, the prevalence of desk jobs is a huge health risk today. Humans, it turns out, are meant to be on their feet and on the go, just like our ancestors were. “We have created for ourselves a modern way of living that clashes with the way we’re meant to be,” Levine says. We’ve seen that sitting can also lead to other health issues, like carpal tunnel syndrome, pinched nerves, and strained eyes and muscles. And if you’re not in good shape (because you sit all day at work), you’re more likely to get injured doing other activities in your life. Levine says that ideally, you’d spend four hours a day on your feet. Of course, that may not be an option for many of you, especially if you work a desk job. We recommend getting up at least once an hour and walking around for a few

minutes. Even a trip to the water cooler is better than nothing! But the real way to combat a sedentary job is to live an active life after hours. A lot of us want to plop down in front of the TV, but we’d be better off taking a long walk after work and spending some time cooking in the kitchen — on our feet, of course. You can also go to a standing desk, or even a treadmill desk —which Levine invented.



“Not only was I recovering from hip surgery, but my fibromyalgia was out of control. I was not able to walk without a walker, and I couldn’t put on a bathing suit in order to get into the swimming pool. For three years, before coming here, I was swimming two to three times a week for 40 minutes and got my heart rate up to 110–120 beats per minute. Then, arthritis took over. At the end of my therapy here, I’m building my time in the water with the goal of 40 minutes (I’m up to 20 minutes); I’m walking 80 yards; my fibromyalgia is under control; my physical strength has increased 75 percent; my core muscles are activated; and I have the information I need to keep me moving forward. The therapists at Stretch PT have been more than supportive, and they explained what they do and why. I’m thankful for their expertise.”

“I entered into Stretch as a runner with hip pain. Stretch’s philosophy and focus on me, my pain, my goals, and my ultimate desire to run again restored my belief that I don’t need to succumb to daily pain and that this was not where my exercise ends. With manual stretching, carefully crafted exercises, and an enjoyable relationship with the staff, Stretch has gotten me to a point of pain-free living, and for that, I am grateful. Thanks, Stretch!”

“Stretch Physical Therapy and Total Wellness provided me with an extremely positive experience. The owner, evaluator, and therapists worked together to help me achieve my therapy goals. I will recommend Stretch to anyone needing therapy, and their wellness program is an additional benefit not offered at other facilities.”

– Ju lie Vernon 2

- Ja me s F iehrer

– Don n a Hoffma n

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