RETRO REFLECTIVE MATERIALS WS Workwear garments are manufactured using 3M TM Scotchlite TM reflective materials. 3M TM reflective tapes comply with AS/NZS 14906.4.2010 (Class R) and exceed the brightness requirements for reflective materials. AS/NZ 4602.1: 2011 High Visibility Safety Garments. This standard specifies the design, placement and coverage of high visibility colour (Class D) as well as the design and placement of retro-reflective tape (Class N). Class N garments allow for visibility in low light or night conditions. When combined with a Class D compliant garment it becomes suitable for all conditions, day or night (Class D/N). When exposed to hazards such as moving traffic, plant or equipment this standard should be followed. WS WORKWEAR GARMENTS MEET THE FOLLOWING STANDARDS AS/NZS 1906.4.2010 High Visibility Materials For Safety Garments To ensure your safety and protection at work all garments in the WS Workwear range are developed to meet the relevant industry and product category standards. High visibility safety apparel is needed if you work where there is low light and poor visibility, especially if you are working around moving vehicles (cars, trucks or other machinery traveling under their own power - e.g., forklifts etc. Wearing high visibility clothing allows you to be seen by the drivers of those vehicles sooner and more readily. The human eye responds best to large, contrasting, bright or moving objects. Worker visibility is enhanced by high colour contrast between clothing and the work environment against which it is seen. Extra protection is required at dawn, dusk and night time where the addition of retro reflective tape that reflects light is required to increase visibility. CLASS F = Daytime fluorescent CLASS R = Retro reflective material CLASS RF = Retro reflective and fluorescent CLASS NF = High daytime visibility, non fluorescent
To guard any worker against sunburn and exposure to harmful UV rays the WS Workwear clothing range offers protection in fabric and design under the new amendment to the standard. WS Workwear recommends the wearer should wear garments that comply with UPF 50 + with full arm and leg coverage: To ensure complete protection, a hat and sunscreen should also be worn. UPF (Ultraviolet Protection Factor) represents the ratio of sunburn- causing UV without and with the protection of the fabric, similar to SPF (Sun Protection Factor) ratings. A rating of 50+ is the highest rating available and is classified as excellent protection. This standard specifies the requirements for determining the UPF level of protection from the sun for garments that are worn in close proximity to the skin. There are three protection categories:- Minimum Protection (UPF 15) Good Protection (UPF 30) Excellent Protection (UPF 50, 50 +)
FABRIC SAFETY ISO 14184-2.2011
Formaldehyde is a volatile organic compound and is present in nature in small quantities. It can cause irritation when worn against the skin which is why all WS Workwear fabrics are tested to ensure they comply with International and Australian standards for the allowable levels of formaldehyde. We independently test each batch of fabric to ensure naturally created formaldehyde levels are kept well within the recommended standards, ensuring you are “ Made Safer ”.
WATERPROOF AS 2001.2.18-1987
To keep you dryer whilst working in wet environments either indoors or outdoors WS Workwear wet weather garments use waterproof fabric and have all seams sealed to keep you protected from the elements.
FIRE RETARDANT (FR) Fire Retardant (FR) clothing helps protect workers from short-term thermal incidents. In an industrial setting, the most serious burns typically aren’t caused by the actual fire or explosion itself, but by standard work gear (made from non-FR cotton, nylon or polyester) igniting and continuing to burn even after the heat source has been removed. FR clothing helps combat this problem because it self-extinguishes when exposed to flame, dramatically reducing the severity of burn injuries. Minimising the percentage of the body that is injured by burns can greatly increase chances of survival.
CLASS D = Daytime use CLASS N = Night time use Class D/N = Day/ Night use
WS Workwear offers a variety of compliant reflective tapes, including reputable brands such as 3M Scotchlite ™ Reflective Material and Loxy ® .
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