BodyGears_Keeping Fit In Chicagoland

It's CrossFit Open Season!

FOAM ROLLING IS NOT A WARM-UP If you’re about to max out your glutes, you need to be waking them up and getting them to fire efficiently before you load them. Squishing muscles down with a foam roller might feel nice but it won't boost your performance like a solid dynamic warm-up will. AtBodyGears,we’ll teachyousomethingcalled a GIG, which stands for “Get in Gear.” Instead of foam rollingyour tighthip,we’ll teachyouaself- mobilization technique to restore mobility for more efficient muscle activation. Your unique set of GIGs might also include a core activation series and a rib rotation technique for you to perform before your dynamic warm-up so you get the most out of your WODs. Take Note of Your Neck Here's a simple test to do with a friend: Sit with the slouchiest posture you can and stick your neck all the way forward. Make the okay sign with one hand and have your friend try to pry your finger and thumb apart - it should be pretty easy. Now sit with good posture, including at your neck (if you're not sure if you're doing it right, go up against a wall), and try the test again - you should have doubled your strength without doing a single exercise!

The CrossFit Open is a global event encompassing five workouts over five weeks (the first workout in 2019 is labeled 19.1). CrossFitters submit their best scores online to see how they rank across the world and whether they qualify regionally on the road to the CrossFit Games. Whether you're a seasoned CrossFitter or a regular gym-junky, below are tips that will serve lifters well. All Rotation Is Important There'softenabig focusonexternal rotation -at the hips, it gets the glutes activating and keeps your joints in a more mobile position, while at the shoulders, it can prevent impingement with overhead motions and puts your lower trap and serratus anterior muscles in positions of strength. However, it'scertainlypossible tohave toomuch of a good thing and a lack of internal rotation at the hips and shoulders can contribute to dysfunctionalmovement. Ifyouwant togo from efficient dumbbell squats to chest-to-bar pull- ups, you better not be neglecting your internal rotation mobility and strength.

® To get the official Body Gears Dynamic Warm- Up, email To get a customized GIG program, request a FREE screen on our website and we’ll determine what’s causing your pain or performance plateau. Your neck has a huge impact on the efficiency of your upper limbs (and the rest of your spine) since that'swherenervesoriginateand itshould be the solid base from which you move your arms - ie. inefficient neck posture WILL lead to inefficient shoulder, elbow, wrist, and hand movement. Dysfunctional movement may or may not lead to injury but it certainly won't lead to leaderboard scores at the Open.

Exercise of theMonth Try this shoulder GIG before overhead lifts

Staff Spotlight

Dr. Elizabeth Racioppi, PT, DPT, ElizabethearnedherDoctorofPhysicalTherapyand Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology degrees from the University of Southern California in Los Angeles, CA. Elizabeth is a Women’s Health Specialist able to help women with a variety of pelvic health issues as well as pre- and postpartum needs. She is also a

CrossFit Level 1 Trainer and a passionate CrossFitter herself. Certifications and Training: • Doctor of Physical Therapy • Licensed Physical Therapist by the State of Illinois • APTA/IPTA Member • Women’s Health Therapist • CrossFit Level 1 Trainer Education: Institute of Physical Art: Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation I • CoreFirst® Strategies • Functional Mobilization I Herman and Wallace Pelvic Rehabilitation Institute: Pelvic Floor Level 1 CrossFit: Level 1 Training KinetaCore: Functional Dry Needling Level I

Wall Angels

With your head and shoulder blades against a wall, bring your arms up to 90 degrees at the shoulders and elbows. Actively flattening your wrists against the wall and use a towel (or even a pillow) to fill any gaps from your wrist to your elbow. Slowly move your shoulders up and down keeping the bend in the elbows and maintaining contact with the wall. Do a set of 10 and then see if you can remove any supports while maintaining good form for another set of 10. Watch for your chest lifting too much as well!

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