



by LindaWienandt


estate, and it has been a hobby for me. Through my love for real estate, I have owned many different property types over the years, from single-family homes to industrial properties. Real estate as an asset class is and should be part of a well-balanced investment portfolio. I invested in real estate in order to diversify my portfolio and benefit from alternative revenue streams. I started off small and over time built a nice-sized portfolio. Currently, I am invest-

ilda Lunderstedt—successful busi- nessperson, investor and CEO of

currently offering real estate opportuni- ties on three continents. Wealth Migrate was a company that really excited me, as I could see the opportunities in how crowdfunding could make a differ- ence for the global economy. And you also have said crowdfunding will help develop more women as investors. What do you mean by that? Women around the world will have the opportunity to benefit from real estate crowdfunding where they have access to a class of invest- ments that most individuals would

global operations for Wealth Migrate—has a passion for real estate and for educating investors, particularly women. In this Q&A withThink Realty Magazine, she shares her thoughts on the ways real estate investing— especially through crowdfunding portals like Wealth Migrate—can empower women, facilitate gender financial equality and bene- fit the entire industry.

THINK REALTY MAGAZINE Have you always been business-minded?

ed in commercial real estate opportunities in the medical sec- tor in the United

HILDA LUNDERSTEDT From a very young age, I always had some sort of little business or way to earn some money on the go. I am, by qualification, a pharmacist, but this was not the industry I wanted to stay in. It was far too boring for a young woman who wanted to explore and taste the world. Although I worked in many different sectors of the health care industry, it wasn’t until I started my own business in 2001 that I found my real passion. We built a very successful nutraceutical health care business (NutriLida Healthcare) that was sold in 2011 to a major pharmaceutical company. And after that great success in the health care industry and as an international investor and philanthropist, this past January you joined the executive team at Wealth Migrate, where you already were a longtime adviser to the board and an investor in the company. What attracted you to real estate investing? I have always had a keen interest in real

not have access to. Women will be able to invest together with oth- ers in real estate, and by teaming

States, and this year will expand my portfolio to other sectors such as multi- family and retail. Tell us about your involvement with Wealth Migrate.

up withWealth Migrate, earning passive income from alternative revenue streams and investments

When I was intro- duced to the company, I

becomes possible.

immediately liked the concept of crowdfunding, online real estate in- vestments and having the opportunity to invest in really great opportunities anywhere in the world. It is so hassle-free, and I love receiving my dollar dividends from my investments every quarter. I also invested in the company to become a shareholder, as I believe that every industry will be disrupted in this digital age, and there is no other business

How did you get started as a real estate investor? I started through educating myself— initially through reading books and going to seminars, and more recently, by traveling to destinations to see and learn for myself. As I became more confident, I invested in bigger opportu- nities. I enjoy real estate investment because if

92 | think realty magazine | may :: june 2016

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