SALES SCRIPT (U.S. Immigrant Leads)

Common National Life Group E-APP Mistakes 1. Starting the Application: Ap rl we fai lyl isnign di tei at at ei l st haenEd-aAtPt aPcfhrionmg tthhee iIlllluussttrraattiioonn aSuytsotme ma t, inc oa ltl yt h. e A g e n t P o r t a l D a s h b o a r d , f o r 2 . Product Selection: Select ONLY LSW-branded products in the illustration system, such as LSW TERM and FLEXLIFE (LSW), to avoid application rejection. 3. Documentation for Non-U.S. Citizens: Attach a copy of the passport for Non-U.S. Citizens without ITIN number to verify identity wpahsiscphoirstvisitanloftorreuqnudireerdw. riting and expedites approval. If they have ITIN number, copy of 4. Medical Information: Pa sr soivs itdteh ea mU . tSo. dr eomc t eomr ' sb en ra ma ney i nh et ahlet hmc ae rdei cparl oqvui de setri ot hn enya'ivr ee . sIef et nh e( Cc ol i ve indt Tc ae ns tnso, tn ruercsael lv ai sni tys, , dentist, chiropractor, emergency visits, flu etc.) or use a doctor from their home country. 5. Premium Draft Selection : For the premium draft section, choose "immediate" or "next available".

*** Scroll down to learn how to overcome objections. ***

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