Kinsey and the Christian continued ganda has been able to do in three ganizations, evangelical churches, re years.
must still be a few around. There seemed to be a time whfen we were not surprised to see an infidel or an agnostic attempt to put together the odd pieces of an evolution puzzle, but since no real evidence has ever been produced, we are surprised today to hear any reputable researcher make any claims for the evolution of man from animal life. Not long ago I was interested to hear a world-re nowned scholar lecture at Columbia University in New York City. The setting was an auditorium class of approximately 800 men and women who had assembled from various parts of the world to complete educa tional requirements for advanced de grees. On the platform was seated the lecturer along with several other outstanding educators. During the question and answer period, a man in the audience stood and addressed the following question to the speak er: “ Sir, if I understand you cor rectly, you give no credence to the theory that through the centuries man has evolved from lower animal life.” At that point the eminent edu cator replied: “ I am not a religionist, but neither am I an evolutionist. I have diligently searched for truth, but as yet, there is no evidence that man ever came from anything but another man just like himself.” One might question where Kinsey received his special information. This we can be sure of: Kinsey says that man evolved from lower animal life. God says that he didn’t. The Scrip tures state: “So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them” (Gen. 1:27). One questions the wisdom of a man who refuses God’s great account of creation. Such a person is almost certain to come up with conclusions and recommendations that also leave God out. Who Are the Women Kinsey Reported On? The Kinsey women comprise a group that is not representative of the average American woman. Of the 5,940 interviewed, 75 per cent have attended college, and of these, nearly 20 per cent have done graduate work. In. comparison, only 7.5 per cent of the average women in America have gone to college. Unmarried women comprise 58 per cent of the Kinsey females. Among the general popula tion of American women, only, about 19 per cent are single women. Most of the Kinsey women lived in ten particular states, and 90 per cent lived in cities or smaller towns. Approximately one out of every sev en Kinsey women have been divorced, separated or widowed. Furthermore, women who are Well adjusted and who are living fine moral lives are
vival campaigns, Christian literature, radio broadcasts and television pro grams such as are found throughout America. Our American population, generally, feel that Kinsey has mis-
‘"More than 200,000 of our troops in Korea are. married men” Morley said, “ and the Kinsey report told them that one out of every four American wives has been unfaithful. This naturally upset many of the boys.” Morley said that thousands and thousands of indignant letters from men in the armed services were sent to government officials. When Kinsey’s books are read, many will be influenced by the re port that most people are engaged in immorality, and they will question the wisdom of restraint and chastity. Such writings cause men and women to lose faith in mankind. In these, books they will find broad license to sin. The damage will be difficult to measure, but we can be sure that they will have no beneficial effect on the morale of our nation. Kinsey and Our American Reputation People are universally interested in other people. We like to know how other people look, what they wear, where they live, how they act and what they do. The Kinsey reports furnish other nations with informa tion which is readily received and disseminated. Newspapers and maga zines in foreign countries are eager to print such material, especially about America, since it is one of the leading nations of the world. No doubt Kinsey’s books will be referred to for years in college class rooms of foreign countries. Students of sociology, psychology, government and education will gain their impres sions of America from the two vol umes Kinsey has published. Undoubt edly much damage will be done to American missionary efforts in for eign countries. Satan has effectively closed many doors already. Now, those in foreign countries who op pose the gospel can, in referring to the Kinsey reports, assert that the American nation whose moral life is marked by degeneracy is not in a position to help other nations. What respect can a nation maintain if its reputation is represented by the shameful findings of Kinsey? Few Christians would say that the spiritual and moral life of our coun try is what it should be, but they can with dignity point to the fact that our nation was established by God-fearing Christians, and that down through the years revival and spiritual blessing have been in our midst. Surely no nation of the world has the great number of thriving organizations and movements such as children’s work, young people’s or-
Published findings reveal sharp differ ence between churchgoers and non-church goers. Kinsey reported 44% married men unfaithful as against only 4% in similar study made on Missouri Synod Lutherans. represented the average American man and woman to the world. This, they resent. What Is Kinsey's Philosophy? Some readers are surprised to learn that Kinsey embraces the theory of evolution. On page 91 of his book Sexual Behavior in the Human Fe m a l e he states: “Since the human animal, in the course of its evolution, has acquired both its basic anatomy and its physiologic capacities from its mammalian ancestors, studies of sexual behavior in the lower mam mals may contribute materially to our understanding of human sexual behavior.” Throughout the publication he re fers to j human beings as human ani mals. Speaking of pre-adolescent girls, on page 505 Kinsey says: “A few of the females . . . had had some sort of sexual relations with other ani mals in pre-adolescence.” Kinsey attended college years ago when theories of evolution abounded on almost all college campuses. It has been a number of years since-1 have heard an eminent educator or scientist declare that he was an evo lutionist, but I am sure that there
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