King's Business - 1954-01

Out of the


Donald S. Robertson, Ph.D. Chairman, Dept of Science, Biola Bible College

teacher in Ethiopia

Home for a year’s study, Harry At­ kins, says: As a Westmont graduate I found immediate opportunity for missionary work and teaching in the Ethiopian school system. Backed by Westmont’s outstanding Social Science training I caught the African picture in a nutshell. There’s a tremendous need for evangelical work in Africa. I shall be return­ ing soon . . . to do my part." Christian L ea d e rsh ip D em and s Christian T ra in ing ! Write for catalog to Dept. KB-1 WESTMONT COLLEGE A Christian College of Arts and Sciences 55 LA PAZ RD • SANTA BARBARA, CAL, ROGER J. VOSKUYl, Ph.D., President

I I requently one is startled by state- 1ments in Scripture that seem very ' modem and up to date. This is only to be expected because the Word of God is timeless in its scope. Thus the Bible’s description of the heart of man, his need and God’s provision is as up-to-date today as it ever was. However, this up-to-dateness of the Bible is not limited solely to a de­ scription of the heart of man but is also found in some of its statements about nature. When one thinks about this it is not unexpected since we know that the One who made the Universe is the same as He who guid­ ed the Writing of the Bible. Never­ theless it is still startling to find men who lived centuries ago apparently propounding concepts that are sup­ posed to be the result of modem re­ search and thinking. A case in point is Heb. 11:3 where we find “Through faith we under­ stand that the worlds were framed by the word of God, so that things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” Here the writer proclaims that the Word of God was responsible for the origin of the phys­ ical world. This is consistent with the first chapter of Genesis where it tells us “God said let there be . . .” and it was done. So that everything that was made was made by the Word of God. The writer of Hebrews takes this on faith and thus since the Word of God is invisible concludes that “ . . . things which are seen were not made of things which do ap­ pear.” Although the writer is here concerned about the very beginning of things his statement does not con­ tradict what science has found out

about how the world is framed today. For it is common knowledge today that even the most solid looking ob­ jects are really composed of little sub-microscopic units of matter called atoms. These atoms are so small that even the most powerful microscopes can not resolve them. If you were able to place them side by side it would take about one hundred mil­ lion to make an inch. However, as small as atoms are they are not the most fundamental emits of matter. For the atom itself is composed of smaller particles. The three principal ones being the electron, proton, and neutron. These are arranged so that the atom consists of a nucleus of pro­ tons and neutrons around which there is rapidly moving one or more elec­ tron. Although the atom is extremely small these sub-atomic particles are smaller yet. So that the nucleus of the atom only occupies about one million-millionth the volume of the atom while the electrons have a vol­ ume about equal to that of the nu­ cleus. Thus we have a picture of an atom as a very small unit of matter which when analyzed further con­ sists of a nucleus surrounded by elec­ trons with the great bulk of the vol­ ume being composed of space. These protons, neutrons and electrons are thought to be the fundamental build­ ing blocks of all matter. Yet they, are so small that we can hardly visual­ ize them let alone see them. Truly “ . . . things which are seen were not made of things which do appear.” But by faith we also know that even these sub-atomic particles were brought forth by the invisible Word of God. END.

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