King's Business - 1954-01

BOOK REVIEWS All recommended books may be obtained from the Blola Book Room, 560 South Hope Street,' Los Angeles 17, Calif.

By Donald G. Davis, Ph.D., Prof, of Church History, Talbot Theological Seminary

by education and maturity of exper­ ience to this great task, and he sets a very high standard for himself in this volume. The introduction is fairly full and covers adequately the problems of au­ thorship and date. The text is the author’s own id iom a tic translation, adhering closely to the Greek. The notes are scholarly, making consist­ ent ust of the Greek, and the refer­ ences to exegetical literature are ex­ tensive Each section concludes with a contfensed synthesis of the truth presented. The work avowedly is “ a defence of the conservative position” in an “ up-to-date presentation.” This com­ mentary will be warmly welcomed by evangelicals, and our thanks are due the Christian Reformed Church, the author, and the publisher for a substantial contribution to contem­ porary conservative New Testament comment. 250 pages; cloth; Baker Book House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $4.15. The B o o k o f D eu te ron om y By Charles R. Erdman For some forty years the author of this title book has been adding to his series of expositions of Bible books. The treatment is not critical but devotional, and reveals a loyalty to the inspired Word of God which is refreshing in these days of “ deuter- onomic” criticism. Commentaries on Deuteronomy are scarce, and Erd- man’s work will bring blessing to all who are looking for notes on this book. 95 pages; cloth; Fleming H. Revell Company, Westwood, N. J.; $1.50. H ow to S olv e Y o u r P rob lem s By Faris D. Whitesell This is a very practical, down-to- earth book. It is a work on personal counseling which enables the Chris­ tian to counsel with himself. The long-time Professor of Practical The­ ology at Northern Baptist Theologi­ cal Seminary discusses Scriptural sol­ utions to a wide range of problems— finance, courtship, marriage, voca­ tion, suffering, fear and worry, doubts, old age, death, and the great­ est problem of all, self or Christ? This is an excellent volume to place in the hands of several types of peo­ ple: the young Christian, the trou­

bled, the aged. They will find much Scripture to strengthen their lives. 153 pages; cloth; Zondervan Publish­ ing House, Grand Rapids, Mich.; $ 2 . 00 . G limpses of a Sacred la n d By Carl F. H. Henry The reader will enjoy this travelog of a member of the Fuller Theologi­ cal Seminary faculty as he reports on a recent summer in the middle east. Travel, topography, archeology, cus­ toms, Bible history and prophecy— all are brought up to date and treat­ ed in a most fascinating way. Bible scenes will take on a new realism with this book at one’s side. 240 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Company, Boston, Mass.; $3.50. I n Pa rab les By Clovis G. Chappell Another book of sermons comes from the pen of a (Southern) Meth­ odist known for his colorful preach­ ing. The style and matter is fresh and challenging, although the author has been retired for several years. The fourteen sermons on the parables of Jesus bristle with illustrative ma­ terial—experiences and memories of an old preacher. 153 pages; cloth; Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, New York, $2.00. Preach ing P rom P ictu res By Kenneth W. Sollitt Twelve outlined worship services based upon great religious pictures are presented in this volume. This is a revised edition with a larger selec­ tion of colored prints. The program suggestions include preludes, hymns, anthems, calls to worship, Scripture readings, prayers, sermons, benedic­ tions and postludes. The occasional use of such picture-services would prove most effective in Sunday school departments and youth services. 150 pages; cloth; W. A. Wilde Company, Boston, Mass.; $2.50. This author, strangely, says noth­ ing whatever about how to preach from the Gospel of John! The book consists of 32 outlines covering the fourth Gospel, each the skeleton of a sermon. Each ou tlin e includes a Scripture lesson, a key verse, intro­ duction, and a written assignment on the text, made up of ten or twelve THE KING'S BUSINESS H ow to P rea ch P rom The G o sp el o f John By George A. E. Salstrand

P ea c e W ith God By Billy Graham

The author of this book, with his city-wide revivals, “The Hour of De­ cision” on the air, and Christian films like Mr. Texas and Oil Town, U.S.A., needs no introduction to the readers of this department. This book of some 7700 words has received considerable advance pub­ licity, and thousands will read it, both among the saved and the un­ saved. All will read it w’ith profit, for there are many good things with­ in the covers. The work is divided into three sections, The Problem, The Solution and The Results., The first two di­ visions amount to a kind of pop­ ularized systematic theology, taking up the quest for peace, the Bible,' God, sin, the Devil, life after death, the reason for Jesus’ coming, repentance, faith, the new birth and assurance. The third section deals with the Christian life, under such chapter headings as Enemies of the Christian Life, Rules of the Christian Life, The Christian and the Church, Social Ob­ ligations of the Christian and The Future of the Christian. The book thus is suited to both the unsaved and the new convert. A large number of quotations from both secular and spiritual writers appear on the book’s pages, but the only footnotes are Scripture refer­ ences—these are very full. The style is the author’s preaching style—ur­ gent, incisive, persuasive. Some readers will not like the occa­ sional trend toward a mixture of law and grace, as in this sentence, “Whenever we fail to live up to the Ten Commandments, whenever we go contrary to the precepts of the Sermon on the Mount, we have trans­ gressed the law of God and are guilty of sin.” 222 pages; cloth; Doubleday & Company, Inc., New York, $2.50. N ew T estam en t C omm en ta ry John , V olum e I By William Hendriksen This is the first volume of the author’s New Testament Commen­ tary to be published-—thirteen others will follow. For ten years Professor of New Testament Literature at Cal­ vin Theological Seminary and now pastor of a large church in Michigan, Dr. Hendriksen comes well prepared 20

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