King's Business - 1954-01

teaches that evil does not exist; that whatever is, is right; that a lie is the truth intrinsically; that it holds a lawful place in creation; that it is a necessity; that vice and virtue are beautiful to the eyes of the soul; that virtue is good, and sin is good; mur­ der is good and that it is a perfect­ ly natural act! That which is natural is divine, for God is the author of nature, and every murder that was ever committed had a divine neces­ sity behind it, and therefore it is good.” This may be enough to show the evil of Spiritism—it is the devil’s lie. Racial Differences Since you have given your opinion of the origin of the Negro race I would ask why, since Shem, Ham and Japheth were brothers, are their descendants of different color? Some white; some yellow ; some black? Before we discuss this question let us note the meaning of some of the names associated with this discussion: Ham means heat, hot, black. Ethiopia means sunburnt, or blackness. Com­ pare this with Jeremiah 13:23: “Can the Ethiopian change his skin, or the leopard his spots?” Negro comes from the Latin niger, meaning black. Color is only one characteristic that differentiates the races of man. The hair, the skull, the size of the body and facial contour are some of the things that distinguish the races. It is true that climate is sometimes given as an important reason for dif­ ferences in color of the races, but it has not been scientifically proven. We must concede that some of the tropical countries are not black, as are the Negroes. Therefore we can­ not attribute all of the racial char­ acteristics of the Negro to his envi­ ronment. My personal opinion is that, while environment does make many differences yet it still remains true that the record in Genesis 9:25 gives us the only real reason for the black­ ness of the race known as Negroes. Let us not trouble our minds too much about the matter of racial dif­ ferences. If God had wanted us to know more than we do know, would He not have told us in His Word?

made of one blood all nations of men for to dwell on all the face of the earth.” However, history has proven that each race is happier in its own environment, associating with its own people and developing its own cul­ ture. The remainder of this verse bears this statement out: “And hath determined the times before appoint­ ed, and the bounds of their habita­ tion” (Acts 17:26). Let men remember that the sav­ age heathen of today, be he pagan- black of the Australian aborigine type, the Negro race, or the yellow races of the Orient he is what he is today because we have not carried to him the gospel of the saving grace of God. Let no man esteem himself “but in lowliness of mind let each esteem other better than themselves.” (1 Pet. 2:3.) The Good Shepherd I read in Isaiah 40:11, “He shall feed his flock like a shepherd ,” etc. Is this a prophecy of the priestly work of Christ? Yes, I believe it is for as the good Shepherd, Christ gave His life for the sheep, and as the great Shepherd He was “brought again from the dead,” to take care of the sheep. Read in this connection. Hebrews 13:20,21 will throw light on this passage, and Hebrews 7:24, 25 indicates that this is a part of His High Priestly work. Again will you turn to Ezekiel 34:1- 10 and here find that the priests of old were rebuked as faithless shep­ herds. What is Spiritism? What is the teaching of Spiritism, or Spiritualism? Spiritism is the better name for this dangerous cult, for it teaches mainly that communication may be held with the dead. It denies the fall of man, the evil of sin, the need of re­ demption by blood and the deity of our Lord whom the Spiritists describe as a “Jewish religious enthusiast who came to an untimely death.” It de­ clares there is no hell, no resurrection and no judgment. Spiritism substi­ tutes faith in demons for faith in God. It also presents a pretended new revelation for the Word of God. It

Did Satan Really Tempt Christ? In the temptation o f our Lord in the wilderness did Satan appear to Him in person or was the temptation a mental one? We need to remember that our Lord was God as well as man, and that the object of the temptation was to demonstrate His absolute sinless­ ness, and therefore His ability to be the great sin-bearer. The sin offering must be manifestly unblemished. Sa­ tan tempted Him only to be rebuffed on every count. To Christ, Satan was certainly visible, as would be the en­ tire world of spirits, good or bad. Be­ ing God, He was able to detect the presence of the adversary even though he took the form of an angel of light. Military Academies I am a Christian widow and am being urged to place my young son in a military academy. As a Chris­ tian should I place him in such an environment? W ill he be taught the science of war? Military academies do not special­ ize in the science of war as you fear. These accredited academies offer a curriculum such as may be found in many schools, plus a rigid training in discipline which the youth of our land so sadly need in these days. Whether such a school has any ad­ vantages over other schools depends much upon who guides its policies. Unnecessary Pride Your enlightening answer as to your opinion of the origin of the Negro race brings to mind the ques­ tion as to why some people pride themselves that they are of the Cau­ casian race. Should any man think he had won a place of superiority by his own de­ velopment, or by that of his fore­ fathers, let him remember that it is only by the grace of God that he was born a member of the white race, and it is only by the grace of God that his forefathers have had the gos­ pel. Only by God’s grace [unmerited favor] is he what he is today, wheth­ er Christian or only enjoying the by­ products of Christianity. There is no reason for any race to feel superior to another. God “hath



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