King's Business - 1954-01

MARTHA S. HOOKER, Editor Associate Professor of Christian Education Biola Bible College

I a rum 9 _ 4 %», year M ost every boy likes to take a piece of wood and a knife and start whittling away. There is a wonder­ ful feeling in being able to fashion something from nothing—in being able to create an airplane or carve some animal. At the start of this new year the days stretch be­ fore us in much the same way as the piece of wood


It is right to write to us, boys and girls, for we have a contest just for you. We first announced it a few months ago and we have received several replies since then, but we are hoping to get many more. From Portland, Oregon we have the following poem by Billy Wenstrand, age 9. I Am Thankful I thank thee Lord for the dogs, cats and even for the fleas I thank thee for the birds, the flowers and the trees I thank thee for the sun that gives us light I thank thee for the moon and stars that shine so bright I thank thee Lord for dying at Calvary I thank thee Lord so much for saving me. We have sent one dollar to Billy. Send us your entry today and you may win. Don’t delay—write today and enclose a story, poem or drawing. Stories should be 300 words or less, poems 12 lines or less and all art work in India ink. Four boys and girls have been added to our K.Y.- B.C. club ranks. Harry Providence and his friend Daniel Kwashie Okai have written to us from the Gold Coast, West Africa. That’s a long way but God’s Word is the same there as here in the U.S.A. They have completed reading the Gospel of John and will receive their pins in the mail. Also Ella Mae Brashear and Jackie Combs from Gypsum, Colo, are now members. You may become a member of our club by read­ ing the Gospel of John and getting a friend to read it also. Address all letters to Junior King’s Business, 558 So. Hope St., Los Angeles 17, Calif. KNOW YOUR BIBLE CLUB

in a boy’s hand. We can do with them what we will. We can form something beautiful and useful or some­ thing without shape or meaning. It is up to us to make this decision. If the Lord Jesus is your Saviour and you have given Him your life, He has promised to direct your paths and to use your life. In the Bible we read “ Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new” (2 Cor. 5:17). This means any boy or girl. It means you. First you must receive Him as Saviour. Then make Him Lord of your life. That’s all that you have to do and 1954 will be a real new year for you —a new year to live for and serve the Lord. R. H.


How many of you boys and girls would like to start a pen pal club on this page? Write and let us know if you are interested. Give name, age, address and special interests.

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