King's Business - 1954-01

M IS S IO N S continued the ribbon that had been tied around her gift the day before. Of course by then it was all dirty but as I looked at it I knew I was re­ ceiving the most precious Christmas gift I had received from a human being. Ines was giving me through that gift all of her love. I wish I could tell you more things but I do want to tell you what a joy it was to see these children come to Christ and what a blessing it was to see them grow in His knowledge. Then the Lord called me to come to the States to go to school. I did not want to leave these little ones but as we prayed about it the Lord pro­ vided teachers, students from the Bi­ ble Institute, to guide these children. I received letters from all the chil­ dren. They say “ come back soon.” Yes, I want to go back soon but first I must go through the years of prep­ aration that I may be better fitted to carry out the task that the Lord has committed unto me. As I write this testimony a picture comes to my mind. Yes, a picture of children seeking to find the truth with their hearts full of faith and love. I ask the Lord to keep this pic­ ture before my eyes all the years I am here at B iola .

Ten Miracle Years

T en miracle years of service by the Conservative Baptist Foreign Missionary Society, Chicago, were completed on December 15, 1953. Special anniversary observances were held in hundreds of churches during October, November, and December. As a part of the 10th anniversary program, a sound filmstrip, “Ten Miracle Years,” is being shown in many of the Society’s supporting churches. This filmstrip traces the history of the society through the victories and tragedies of its first ten years. The 10th anniversary observ­ ance also included a day of praise and prayer for missions on Novem­ ber 4. Starting in 1943 without mission­ aries, headquarters, fields of service or funds, CBFMS has grown to a family of 317 missionaries in ten fields, a home staff of 30 workers, and contributions from 1600 churches which totaled more than 1 % million dollars for the last year alone. The society, which was originally intended to function within the American Baptist Convention, was re­ fused recognition by the Convention

in. 1944 and has developed as an in­ dependent Baptist board. The society is known among missionaries for its

Dr. Vincent Brushwyler General Director, CBFMS

determined' stand for the fundamen­ tals of faith, for its emphasis on in­ digenous principles, for its demand that missionaries be well-educated as well as thoroughly evangelical, and for its systematic methods of mis­ sionary support. The total support figure for CBFMS missionaries in­ cludes such items as medical care, furlough transportation, education of children, pension provision and home- office overhead. Among churches at home, CBFMS is best known for its program of building missionary interest .in home churches through Round Robin Mis­ sionary Conferences, All-Church Mis­ sionary Fellowships, White Cross programs and extensive use of mis­ sionary films. C h in a I n la n d M i s s i o n E ighteen new missionaries were ac­ cepted by the China Inland Mis­ sion on November 4. A commis­ sioning service was held Nov. 6 at the CIM Home, Philadelphia, Pa., with Rev. H. M. Griffin, director for North America, giving the charge. These new missionaries, who have just completed the Mission’s candi­ date course, are scheduled to sail for the Far East from New York on Jan­ uary 23, 1954. After a few months of language study in Singapore they will be designated to various fields of the CIM in Thailand, Malaya, Formosa, Indonesia, and the Philip­ pines. Workers for Japan will sail direct to Tokyo and not attend the Singapore language school. To accommodate the larger number

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