King's Business - 1954-01

basic needs are being met. However, many children and many adults are living upon substitutes which prevent them from developing in a mature, wholesome fashion. Although this presentation is not devoted to man’s basic needs, of which there are several, one of these needs will be discussed. This basic need, is the feeling of achievement and success. Success is basic to our physical and mental well-being. In fact, the personality develops as it experiences success. People who feel that they have never been successful are in a sense, handicapped. They do not have a good outlook on life. When we are progressing we are happier. When we feel that we’re not getting ahead, and that we are failures, we are like­ ly to engage in worldly and unwhole­ some activities where we can prove that we are somebody. Young people who are unsuccessful are easy prey for Satan. Such young folk turn to gangs or other groups where they are likely to join in various kinds of sin. When we are happy and gaining satisfaction from our activities, we do not feel that we have to have illicit sex relations to bring us happi­ ness. In fact, sex falls into its natural place. As I work privately with peo­ ple, I often find that they have turned to unwholesome sex relations, not because it gave them great happi­ ness and satisfaction, but because they were desperate for recognition, success, and achievement. They felt that almost anything would be a change for the better, and that surely sex relations would bring them hap­ piness and status. Actually, they did not find their anticipated enjoyment in sex activities. What they did not realize was that a basic need of achievement and success had not been met in their lives, and that a poor substitute of illicit sex relations would not genuinely meet that need, but would really make their predica­ ment worse. In a sense they are caught in a trap and can’t find their way out alone. Only recently a young man related how he had had illicit sex relations for several years, and now at the age of twenty he was so sick of it that he couldn’t force himself to visit a woman unless he drank liquor or took dope. Like all others, he found that sex didn’t satisfy. It never can! Sexual relations at their best meet an important, but limited satisfaction in life, and then, only if they are right in the sight of God. Parents and teachers can do much to help others if they realize that what young people crave is not illicit relations (a poor substitute for a real need), but success arid achievement or

K I N S E Y continued ful lusts. He commands us not to commit adultery. And those of us who have trusted in Him know from experience that He furnishes us the power to avoid these sins which war against our souls, which destroy our personalities and which break our fellowship with Him. As certain as the stars are in the sky, and as surely as night follows day, there is matchless victory for us in the hour of temptation. God Himself says: “There hath no temp­ tation taken you but such as is com­ mon to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it” (1 Cor. 10:13). Psychological Causes of Sex Promiscuity It has been wisely said that all behavior is caused. When people act in certain ways, there are reasons why they act as they do. We don’t just happen to do things; instead there are definite causes for our be­ havior. As a Christian and as one who is engaged professionally in education and psychology I have sought to gain some understanding of why people act as they do. I believe that there are natural causes for behavior as well as supernatural causes for be­ havior. Much of our behavior can be explained in terms of very natural causes. For example, if we treat peo­ ple in a given manner, they are al­ most sure to react in a certain way. On the other hand if we approach some people in a different way, we are almost sure to get a different re­ action. If our children have been ex­ posed to a certain environment over an extended period of time, we might expect them to manifest certain be­ havior. However, some behavior can­ not be explained outside of the fact that God has been working in a per­ son’s life. Similarly, there is be­ havior which cannot be accounted for in any way other than the osten­ sible reason that Satan has influenced the person. If we expect to attain any meas­ ure of depth in our understanding of people, we must realize that all hu­ man beings have basic needs, and that many maladjustments may be attributed to the fact that certain of these basic needs have not been met, and that the individual, in despera­ tion and in true human fashion, has attempted to satisfy his need with a substitute. It is only natural to feed upon substitutes when we cannot fur­ nish ourselves with the genuine. People who are happiest and best adjusted in life are the ones whose

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