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extra-marital infidelities, with consequent damage to the mar­ riage 14. The possibility that one will be less capable of responding satis­ factorily in marital coitus be­ cause of the traumatic effects of pre-marital experience 15. The memory of an unpleasant incident for which there was no basis of security or true love 16. The development of poor mental health due to guilt feelings and remorse. Stabilizing Marriage and the Family America is concerned about the collapse of the family and the home. When men and women marry, they must face the sober facts that more likely than not, they will be getting a divorce before long. The mounting divorce rate is against them. Only a minority of those who marry, live together for life. Broken homes mean broken hearts, broken dreams and broken personalities. Every time par­ ents get divorces, their children get them too. Children whose parents go to court very often go there them­ selves. The amount of money which is spent on divorces, court actions, and delinquency each year is almost beyond comprehension. Most leaders say that stabilization of marriage and the family is the greatest problem of the twentieth century. After reading the Kinsey report, people feel that Kinsey is wrestling with the problem of how to maintain a stable family, and yet meet the individual’s desire for coitus with a variety of sexual partners. The fol­ lowing quotation is found on page 436: “These data once again empha­ size the fact that the reconciliation of the married individual’s desire for coitus with a variety of sexual part­ ners, and the maintenance of a stable marriage present a problem which has not been satisfactorily resolved in our culture. It is not likely to be re­ solved until man moves more com­ pletely away from his mammalian ancestry.” In other words, Kinsey has no solu­ tion! He offers the foolish suggestion that the process of human evolution may have to continue until man is very different from his animal an­ cestors. What nonsense! According to the Bible and according to science, man isn’t improving. He is a special creation made in the likeness of God, and he is responsible to God. There is no evidence that human nature has ever experienced any improvements without God. Nor can progressive evo­ lution be expected in man in the fu­ ture. People today are essentially the same as they were when God created the first man and woman. One might readily believe that after

K I N S E Y continued doing such, he is maladjusted and is eating from the trough of disillusion­ ment. In summary, it might be said that if such sin as pre-marital relations had been beneficial for human be­ ings, God would have commanded or encouraged us to engage in it. But He has not. He commands us not, and He says that such sins “war against the soul.” Kinsey may think pre-marital and extra-marital sex re­ lations are beneficial, but God says they are not. A solemn warning is found in Hebrews 13:4: “ . . . whore­ mongers and adulterers God will judge.” Christians have a sure guide in the inspired Word of God. There they can feed their souls and minds. In the Scriptures we find declarations of right and wrong, and of eternal veri­ ties. Our particular social codes and mores may or may not coincide with these great unchanging truths, but if there is a discrepancy, the fault lies with the social code, not the Bible. We can be sure that pre-mari­ tal relations are wrong and sinful in the sight of God because His Word is definite and clear on the topic. However, men who have not been fol­ lowers of Christ have also empha­ sized the disadvantages and undesir­ ability of pre-marital relations. The following list includes some of the statements which Kinsey researchers discovered in literature pertaining to sex: 1. The danger of pregnancy 2. The danger if abortion is used to terminate a pregnancy 3. The possibility of contracting a venereal disease 4. The undesirability of a marriage which is forced by a pre-marital pregnancy 5. The traumatic effects of coitus which is had under unfavorable circumstances 6. The development of a serious guilt complex due to the fact that it is sinful '7. The damage done when guilt • feelings are re-awakened after marriage 8. The guilt at the loss of virginity, and its subsequent effect on mar­ riage 9. The guilt resulting from fear of public knowledge 10. The development of emotional disorders due to inner conflicts 11. The risk and fear of legal diffi­ culties that may follow discov­ ery of the relationship 12. The possibility that unsatisfac­ tory pre-marital coitus may turn one against marriage 13. The likelihood that pre-marital irregularities will lead to later


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