King's Business - 1954-01

thousands of years of disease and sin, man may not be quite the excellent specimen he was at first creation. The only way to stabilize marriage is to stabilize the people. People can­ not stabilize themselves because they do not possess the power. There is only one power which is capable of making a person steadfast and resis­ tant to all forces. That power is the Holy Spirit. When we are born into God’s family by the Holy Spirit, we immediately receive eternal life, a new nature, and power. This is a scientific fact. It has been proved by thousands and thousands down through the ages. It is possible to have a stable mar­ riage and a stable family, but it cer­ tainly is not through sexual promis­ cuity which is suggested in Kinsey’s publication. Everywhere one looks he finds Christian believers who have stable marriages and stable homes. Christ is the head of their families. They have heard God’s voice as He has spoken to them in tenderness: “He shall call upon me, and I will answer him: I will be with him in trouble; I will deliver him, and horn our him. With long life will I satis­ fy him, and show him my salvation!” Implications of the Kinsey Study Challenges to Christians Kinsey’s findings were not taken out of thin air. They were evidently quite accurate for those whom he interviewed. Such reports should challenge us to carefully review the conditions in each of our families, to make sure we are spending time with the Lord. Some of us might prayerfully consider the type of sex education our family members are receiving, and review our own re­ sponsibility therefore. The Kinsey reports should chal­ lenge every church to attack its work with new zeal, realizing that its mis­ sion is needed more today than ever. Christian colleges, seminaries, Bible schools and youth groups should be challenged to give the finest training possible to their students who will become the Christian leaders in com­ munities throughout America, where people such as those Kinsey inter­ viewed stand in need of counsel and guidance. When individual Christian believ­ ers are made aware of Kinsey’s find­ ings, they should be moved to con­ sider more seriously their individual responsibility to take the matchless gospel to those with whom they work and live. We know that the heart of man is deceitful above all things and desperately wicked, but Kinsey’s re­ port should serve to emphasize the extremely desperate condition of scores and women, both young and old. END.

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