King's Business - 1954-01

Feb. 11 — Members of one Body — Rom. 12:3-5 Feb. 12 — Danger of Self-exaltation — -Luke 14:7-1 1 Feb. 13 — True Perspective — Matt. 7:1-5 THE LESSON IN BRIEF This is an important topic but a,dan­ gerous one unless we fully understand the teaching of the Bible. There is a decided tendency today to overlook the necessity of a person’s individual experience with the Lord Jesus Christ in regeneration. The reason for this trend is evident: we are living in an age when the one world philosophy is definitely in the wind. World-leaders in both religion and poli­ tics are feverishly working to construct a world unity feeling that this is essential for survival. As part of this movement, and a basic part, is the unscriptural phil­ osophy that all men are brothers, even in the spiritual sense. This is a false premise, however, and is a cunning de­ ceit of the devil to bring unsuspecting souls into perdition. Every man must be born again by faith in Jesus Christ before he can become a child of God and a member of the spiritual brotherhood, the true Church, the body of Jesus Christ! STUDY QUESTIONS 1. The teachings and miracles of Christ caused confusion in the minds of many as to His identity. What were the var­ ious opinions according to John 7:40-42? 2. What are some of the opinions of men regarding Jesus Christ today? Make a list of these on the blackboard. 3. What is the meaning of John 7:43? Is the same thing true today? (cp. Matt. 10:34.) What does Christ mean by this amazing statement? Read and discuss to­ gether the following verses (Matt. 10:35- 38.) ' , 4. In the light of this teaching of the Saviour would you say that He intended Christianity to be a popular movement? (cp. John 15:18-21.) 5. What impression did the Saviour make on the soldiers the Pharisees and priests had sent to take Jesus? (John 7:32, 45-47.) 6. What reason did the Pharisees give in their effort to persuade the soldiers not to believe Christ? •(v. 48.) Do you not see that their rejection of Christ was not based on facts but on prejudice? Do you not think that this is a terribly dangerous basis for estimating the Sav­ iour? 7. How is the prejudice of the Phari­ sees again brought out in this narrative? (John 7:50-52.) ' 8. How dobs' a man become a child of God? (Gal. $ 0 6 ; John' 3:16; Rom. 10:9, 10, etc.) CONTINUED ►

useful in quickening the interest of your Christian Endeavor. If you have found it so will you notify the King’s Business Editor. If you have other suggestions as to how this column can best serve your society let us have these, too. 1. When was it that God gave to Isaiah this vision? (Isa. 6:1.) 2. Do you think that God sometimes has to permit sorrow or some other trag­ edy in a person’s life, before He can get the ear of that person? What lesson can we learn from this fact? 3. What three things did Isaiah see about the Lord? (6:1.) 4. What do these three things speak about the character of God? 5. What was the outstanding attribute of God that the seraphim announce? (6:3.) 6. What bearing does this attribute of God have upon the life of each believer, upon your life as a Christian? (cp. 1 Cor. 6:19,20.) 7. What was the effect of this vision upon Isaiah? (6:5.) 8. What is the symbolism of the action of the seraphim in touching Isaiah’s lips with a hot coal from off the fire of the altar? (6:6, 7.) 9. Look up Scriptures having to do with the mouth, tongue, lips, speech, etc. Use your concordance for this. Briefly discuss the use of the tongue from the Christian standpoint in light of these Scriptures. 10. What question does the Lord ask of Isaiah? (6:8.) Does the Lord give the same call today for service? (cp. Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:8, etc.) 11. What statement does Christ make as to the urgency of the hour in wit­ nessing for Him? (Luke 10:2a.) 12. What terrible limitation does the Saviour announce? (Luke 10:2b.) 13. What command does He give that this limitation may be overcome? (Luke 10:2c) Are you doing your part in this regard? 14. What does Christ mean in Luke 10:3? Is the same thing true today? (cp. Acts 20:28-32; 2 Tim. 3:1-5; etc.) Feb. 14, 1954 F a c in g Up to Y o u r P re ju d ice s John 7:40-53; Gal. 3:26-28 DAILY READINGS Feb. 8 — Our Brotherhood as God's Children Feb. 9 — One Brotherhood with one Master — Mai. 2:8-T0

Helps for Christian Endeavor and Other Young People's Groups By Chester J. Padgett, D.D. Associate Professor of Bible Biola Bible College

Feb. 7, 1954 " S o Send I Y o u " Luke 10:1-9; Isa. 6:1-8

DAILY READINGS Feb. 1 — Waiting Harvest Fields— Matt. 9:36-38 Feb. 2 — Brightening her Corner-^-2 Kings 5:1-4 Feb. 3 — Using the Lord's Weapons — Eph. 6:10-18 Feb. 4 — Saved to Serve — Eph. 2:8-10 Feb. 5 — Christ's Witnesses — Acts 1:8 Feb. 6 — ''A s the Father hath sent me . . ." — John 20:19-23 THE LESSON IN BRIEF Sunday, February 7, is Christian En­ deavor Day throughout the world. Chris­ tian Endeavor began as a movement to encourage young people who love the Lord to bear witness to Christ through­ out the earth. Such a program is more needful today than ever before. Powerful forces of evil are threatening the Church both from without and from within. Let those who love the Lord arise and in the power of the Holy Spirit bear positive witness to the saving grace of our Lord Jesus Christ. STUDY QUESTIONS It is our sincere desire that this method of question and answer may be found

— Matt. 23:8-12

Feb. 10 —

Not a Respecter of Persons

— Acts 10:34-43

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