King's Business - 1954-01

so there is only one “ Sun of righteous­ ness” to provide moral and spiritual light to this darkened world. Christ is the exclusive Light. There is none other. He is the Light, not a light. Never was the definite article more important. The min­ istry of the physical sun is to warm, to purify, to produce growth, to give energy, to reveal beauty, and to provide direction. All of these things and more, Christ does for the soul, and He only can do them. Once again there was opposition to Christ’s claim. The Pharisees denied His witness (v. 13) but Jesus not only affirmed its truth but asserted that His Father was also a witness to its truth (v. 18). Make sure that all your pupils are walk­ ing in the Light, that is, that they know Him who only can direct their lives safe­ ly through this world and into “the land that is fairer than day.” Helps For the Children People Wonder About Jesus John 7:1-17; 30-52 Memory Verse: "Never man spake like this man" (John 7:46). One of the great national celebrations of the Jewish people was the Feast of Tabernacles. People from far and near came to celebrate this feast each year. The Lord Jesus also attended the feast when He was upon the earth. When the multitudes saw the Son of God at the feast they began to quietly talk to one another about Him. Some called Him a good man; others said that He was de­ ceiving the people. During the feast the Lord Jesus went up into the temple to teach the people. Those who heard Him were surprised that He knew so much when He had not been trained as were their religious leaders: The leaders of the Jews became angry at the things which Jesus said and sent men to take Him. As the officers listened to His wonderful words they could not harm the Saviour. When they returned without Jesus, the religious leaders asked why. The answer was: “ Never man spake [spoke] like this man.” Everywhere that the Lord Jesus went He caused a division among the people. Some believed that He was the Son of God; others hated Him and tried to plan His death. God’s Son causes a division everywhere that the gospel is preached today. Some receive Him as their personal Saviour; others refuse to love Him. Even more people plan to become Christians some­ day but keep waiting until a more con­ venient time. What have you done with the Son of God? Feb. 21, 1954 S ig h t Fo r M a n 's Keep in mind that the purpose of John’s Gospel is to reveal Jesus Christ as the Son of God, God manifest in the flesh (20:31). Today’s lesson contributes much to that end. We find Him accomplish­ ing a work that no man can accomplish and making a claim that only belongs to deity. CONTINUED ► B lin d n e s s John 9:24-38 Pointers on the Lesson

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