King's Business - 1954-01

SUNDAY SCHOOL continued The Testimony of the Healed Man w . 24-34 The testimony of the man who so re­ cently had been blind is prefaced by the false charge of the Pharisees that Christ “is a sinner” (v. 24) and therefore could not have performed this miracle of heal­ ing. So great is the hatred of some men for Christ that they are willing to adopt any expediency rather than admit that He is deserving of any glory. This was the case before us. In effect the Jews said to the young man, “ Christ had noth­ ing to do with your healing. Give God the praise for that. Christ could not have wrought the cure, for He was a sinner, a Sabbath-breaker, a blasphemer. Such an one could not have healed you.” Thus they sought to rob Christ of His deity. But the healed man had an answer that could not be resisted, “ one thing I know, that, whereas I was blind, now I see” (v. 25). The man had the irrefutable evidence in his own life that one greater than mere man had been working in his life. There follows on the part of the Phar­ isees some hollow talk which seeks to evade the issue. If they had really known Moses as they professed to do they would have believed in Christ for Moses be­ lieved in Him and wrote of Him. (See John 5:46.) The trouble with them was that their faith was only superficial. They did not really believe in either Christ or Moses. The Testimony of Jesus vv. 35-38 As a result of the healed man’s attitude tó Christ, he was cast out of the syna­ gogue. But what they really did was to cast him right into the arms of Jesus! He came into a saving faith in the Son of God. Jesus asked him, Dost thou be­ lieve on the Son of God? (v. 35). Quickly the man responded, Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him? (v. 36). It is in response to this question that Jesus plain­ ly declared Himself to be the Son of God (v. 37). “ Dost thou believe on the Son of God? . . . It is he that talketh with thee.” How could words be plainer? It has been said that Christ nowhere claimed to be the Son of God. Here is a definite refutation of such a statement. Upon this testimony the man said, “ Lord, I believe.” Then “ he worshipped him” (v. 38). First, the man believed. Then he worshipped. The first obligation man has after he believes is to worship. No amount of service will take its place. God wants our worship first. Helps For the Children A Blind Man Sees John 9:1-38 Memory Verse: "Jesus went about all the cities and villages, teaching in their synagogues, and preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing every sickness" (Matt. 9:35). One day as the Lord Jesus and His disciples were walking along the road they saw a man who had been born blind. The disciples, asked the Lord Jesus who had sinned to cause this man to be blind. The Saviour told them that no one had sinned; God had allowed the man to be blind that the Lord Jesus might perform a miracle for him. The Saviour

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R e c e n t i _.Y one of our American Sunday- School Union missionaries travelled many miles over treacherous, snow-laden, mountain roads to reach a tiny logging community in northern Colorado. There were 31 school-age children living in the 25 loggers’ shacks, and no Sunday school. There seemed to be no one in the community to help with the Sunday School; but as the mis­ sionary asked God to show him a leader, he met a woman coming up an icy trail carrying water from the spring. The Lord seemed to tell him that this lady would help with the Sunday school. The missionary spoke to her, and she said, “ I reckon I sure would like to see a Sunday school in this place.” Together they were able to start a work in that needy logging settlement. Year in and year out ASSU missionaries are travelling to communities like this one, taking the gospel message, starting Sunday schools. It is the prayerful support of Christians like you which en­ ables our missionaries to evangelize rural America. Send for your copy of our quarterly magazine, p £ ’/ T h e S u n d a y -S c h o o l M i s s io n a r y , and read heart-warming reports of this work.


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