King's Business - 1954-01

fromthe editor’s desk J oshua 3:4 reads, “ Ye have not passed this way heretofore.” Wonder­ ful things were about to be accomplished in the lives of the children of Israel. They had finished their wilderness wanderings. The old order had passed away. Moses had died. A new captain was at the helm, and they were about to enter into the Promised Land. But before they were able to take possession of the land, there were a few things that the children of Israel had to remember. One of these things was the fact that they were embarking on a brand new adventure. The experiences through which they would pass were entirely different from those through which they had already passed. “ Ye have not passed this way heretofore.” As we contemplate the new year we, too, are reminded of the fact that we have not passed this way heretofore. In all of Christendom, next year will be referred to, officially, as the year of our Lord nineteen hun­ dred and fifty-four. But from a Christian’s point of view, we might well ask ourselves the question, “will it in truth be the year of our Lord; that is the year in which our Lord returns? As far as we can determine the stage is all set for His return. Prophetic events which must take place before He comes, according to the evident teaching of Scripture, have already taken place. The next great event is that meeting in the air when the Lord comes to claim His own. Our hearts cry out, “ even so, come, .Lord Jesus.” Of this we can be absolutely sure, that we are one year nearer His coming than we were a year ago at this very time. Already this is the longest of the dispensations which are recorded in Scripture. Over nine­ teen hundred years have elapsed in this present dispensation. He is evidently withholding His coming for only one reason, and that is He is awaiting the time when the last member of the body of Christ shall be brought into the church. When the body is complete, then He will come. The next question is this, will the end of 1954 see us enjoying the things of the Spirit more than we now enjoy them? The answer to that question is in large measure up to each one of us. We will either be growing in grace or we will be backing up in our Christian liffi. There is no such thing as remaining stationary or static so far as the Christian is concerned. We are either maturing or we are shriveling up in our spiritual lives. And if we are to grow in grace, it means that we will be having brand new experiences in our fellowship with the Lord. It means that we will be realizing new heights of spiritual joy which we have not heretofore experienced. In order to grow in grace, first of all, we must give ourselves more diligently to the reading of God’s Word; not so much from a homiletical or exegetical study but instead having to do more with the practical ap­ plication of God’s Word in our lives. Furthermore if we would grow in grace and in the knowledge of Jesus Christ, we must give ourselves to more earnest and intimate prayer. Perhaps prayer in the past has been adequate for past experiences. But the past is behind us now and today calls for new and. deeper experiences in our prayer lives. Then, too, if we would know the joy of the Lord in our lives during the new year, we must give ourselves more whole-heartedly to the work of Jesus Christ. W e ’ must be more faithful in presenting Him to others, we must show by our lives our love for Him. W e must show by our deeds our devotion to Him. W e must show by our words our loyalty to the One who gave His all for us. We have not passed this way hereto­ fore so far as these new experiences are concerned. Therefore we need to lean more heavily upon Him than ever before. END.

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