4-in-1 Personal Climate Action Plan - Purpose on the Planet

- Purpose on the Planet - 4-in-1 Personal Climate Action Plan: Adopt your own program for to taking 4 levels of Climate Action: Naturally Sequester CO2; Support Climate Justice; Create Climate Resilience; and Improve Climate Mitigation. Help us to fight global poverty today and climate change for tomorrow by using reforestation projects to create viable livelihoods for people living in extreme poverty.


4-in-1 Climate Action

This prioritized, practical Plan for tackling our urgent climate breakdown aligns with the framework recently authored by the climate action think-tank, Project Drawdown . In essence, it highlights the necessity to work holistically on all aspects of the climate equation— specifically, 3 inter-connected actions: 1. Supporting Sinks — uplifting nature’s carbon cycle 2. Improve Society — fostering equality for all 3. Reduce Sources — bringing emissions to zero The Personal Climate Action Plan directly addresses each of these elements and ultimately impacts 4 key aspects of the existing climate challenge. What Lies at the Heart of the 4-in-1 Personal Climate Action Program?

“In the 21st century, I think the heroes will be the people who will improve the quality of life, fight poverty and introduce more sustainability.“ Bertrand Piccard

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People & Planet Climate Action At the heart of the 4-in-1 Climate Action Plan lies a proven Employ-to- Plant initiative, which transforms under-served communities by creating living wages for people in extreme poverty. What makes this possible? — the restoration of mangrove forests! This innovative strategy for impacting both environmental and humanitarian challenges comes to life through the delivery of 4 key benefits of addressing the climate crisis. ReWrite Our Story

Climate Justice DEFINITIONS



Employ to Plant projects create livelihoods in under- served communities. Living wages will directly alleviate food insecurity and support human well-being. Mangroves store more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem on earth. They can sequester carbon at a rate up to 5 times greater than a mature tropical forest. Restored mangrove forests also protect exposed coastal communities from rising seas and flooding, while also serving as vital habitats for marine life. All supporters of the 4-in-1 Action Program receive a Sustainable Solutions educational series promoting a low-carbon lifestyle & sustainable consumption habits.

Wealthy countries taking the lead on climate change to heal the globe and especially poor countries, who did not create the root problem, yet are most affected by it.

Carbon Sequestration

Climate Resilience The ability to anticipate, prepare for, and respond to hazardous climactic events, trends, or disturbances. The beneficial long-term storage of carbon in plants, soils, geologic formations, and the ocean. Climate Mitigation Action to limit climate change, which either reduces emissions of greenhouse gases or removes those gases from the atmosphere

Climate Justice

Since 1990, the poorest 50% of the world’s population have been responsible for just 7% of total global emissions. In fact, the entire continent of Africa has accounted for less than 3% of total global emissions. However, as the color gradients on the map indicate, Africa is now also most likely to endure the worst impacts of climate change.

Climate Resilience

Mangroves are an invaluable tool in tackling climate change because they’re so efficient at sequestering carbon. In addition, restored mangrove forests protect exposed coastal communities from harmful environmental impacts like rising seas and flooding while functioning as vital habitats for marine life.

”Race Against Time” Quick Quiz

How much do you really know about mangroves and blue carbon? Click to Find Out!

Carbon Sequestration

Nothing is more critical to global climate-change mitigation than removing existing carbon from the air as effectively and swiftly as possible. Mangroves store more carbon per unit area than any other ecosystem on Earth. They’re vital entities that capture and stockpile large quantities of “blue” carbon in both the bodies of the plant and the sediment beneath them.

Climate Mitigation

No climate action plan could be complete without a focus on how to reduce emissions going forward! The chart below shows the 4 areas where we all need to start making changes that can really count, starting with home energy usage which represents the largest single source of personal emissions.

Sources of Household Emissions

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33.8% 33.8%

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Source: Environment International


Be the Solution!

OUR MISSION Purpose on the Planet endeavors to provide highly impactful and affordable opportunities for the average person, or family, to make a positive difference on today's most significant environmental and humanitarian challenges. We believe that it is only when the minds and hearts of the general public are authentically engaged and inspired to undertake a broader course of selfless individual action, that we will create truly transformative change. Only then, will we be able to attain a more prosperous future and leave a secure and thriving legacy for our future generations. Genevieve & Peter Adams, Founders, Purpose on the Planet

How One Act in the Present Can Impact Our Future World

“Good actions give strength to ourselves and inspire good actions in others.” Plato


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