ArborTimes™ Summer 2024

opening size. Managing your chipper this way will extend the machine’s lon- gevity and performance.” Daymon notes that a chipper’s lifespan varies depending on how oen you use it and what size logs and brush you feed it. “If you give a 12-inch chipper a steady diet of 12-inch logs, it won’t last as long as if you’d been feeding it a diet of primarily eight-inch logs,” Daymon says. “A 12-inch chipper isn’t intend- ed to have a steady diet of 12-inch pieces.” Feeding a chipper at its maximum ca- pacity will only shorten its lifespan, while feeding it just under its capacity will ensure your chipper lasts for years to come. Routine maintenance With proper maintenance and care, Daymon expects chippers to have a

Wood chipper maintenance includes making sure its knives and anvil are sharp and lubricated, the belt and clutch are running properly, and filters are changed frequently.

lifespan of up to 15 years. He adds that the flipside is also true; abused or ne- glected equipment may last fewer than five years.

Wood chipper maintenance includes making sure its knives and anvil are sharp and lubricated, the belt and clutch are running properly, and filters are changed frequently.

ArborTIMES Summer 2024 | 19

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