ArborTimes™ Summer 2024




Arborwear Transpiration T-Shirt

CoolWorks Vented Work Pants

ArborTec Scafell Lite Lime Chainsaw Boot Your work boots are one of the most important parts of your gear, but heavy boots can quickly make you feel very hot. Use a pair of arbor climbing boots that offer protection from the risks that come with climbing. AborTec makes a light steel toe cap work boot that comes with a Breathe- DRY system that is 100% waterproof and ventilated for added breathability.

When working in very hot conditions, wearing a shirt that dries quickly and is ventilated will allow your body to cool down. Pick a shirt in a light color and avoid natural fabric materials like cotton and denim, as this can trap you in the heat, making you even hotter. Arborwear’s transpiration shirt was de- signed specifically for tree care workers out in the heat. The shirt is made from breathable, 100% polyester. The mois- ture-wicking properties ensure that sweat is moved away from the body and into the air. It can also be paired with sun sleeves for ultimate protection from the heat while still staying cool and comfortable.

The thought of wearing long work pants on a hot day is off-putting at the very least, but shorts do not offer suffi- cient protection from tree care work, no matter the time of year. The solution is to wear ventilated work pants that feel like shorts. CoolWorks’ vented work pants are designed to relieve heat stress in the workplace. From the knee down, these pants are made from a highly engi- neered vented mesh that is tear resis- tant. They also include multiple-use cargo pockets and on/off leg covers, which turn the pants into shorts made from durable rip-stop fabric.

32 | ArborTIMES Summer 2024

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