ArborTimes™ Summer 2024




Klein Performance Thermal Socks

CV02 Hi-Vis Cooling Vest

MiraCool Evaporative Cooling Bandanas

The type of socks you wear under your work boots can determine how cool your feet stay and, ultimately, your overall body temperature. Choose socks that have some kind of thermal regulation feature and moisture-wick- ing properties. Klein’s socks are made with merino wool, which helps keep your feet cool in hot weather and warm in cold weath- er. Merino wool is also great for mois- ture wicking, which helps keep your feet dry, cool and comfortable. There is also a mesh instep that adds additional breathability to your socks.

High visibility vests are an important PPE, especially in tree care work. While adding more layers during hot weather is not desirable, many companies are now making high-visibility vests that are specifically designed to cool the body down within minutes. To activate the vest, you’ll need to soak it in water. It should provide you with up to eight hours of cooling action with a mesh fabric to allow airflow. These vests are usually made with wicking, cooling, and drying capabil- ities to ensure you stay comfortable while you work.

In addition to the essentials, a cooling bandana is another heat-beating tool to add to your arsenal of protection. These bandanas are specifically de- signed to provide relief from the heat thanks to cooling crystal beads inside the lining. Activate by soaking the bandanas in water for 10 to 15 minutes. As the beads absorb water, the bandana plumps up and can be worn around the neck or the head to provide up to two days of continuous relief from the heat.

ArborTIMES Summer 2024 | 33

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