ArborTimes™ Summer 2024




MiraCool PVA Cooling Towel

Protos Arborist Helmet System

Coretex SunX 50

Use a PVA cooling towel to help cool your body down aer working in the heat. These towels also need to be soaked in water to be activated. Be- cause of the engineered properties, the towel will not become heavy. Use this towel to wrap around your neck or wipe away the sweat from your face while working or during breaks to maintain body temperature.

As an arbor worker, you’ll know that your helmet is a non-negotiable of your safety gear, but it can get warm when worn. Choose a helmet that of- fers advanced protection and added breathability to stay cool. The Pfanner Protos is an advanced EN-certified, side impact-protected helmet that is designed for extra breathability thanks to the adjustable vent flow that can be opened on the helmet. Moisture wicking is achieved through exchangeable pads inside the helmet.

Sunburn can increase the risk of other heat-related symptoms. In addition to all your other PPE, don’t forget to wear sunscreen on any part of the body ex- posed to direct sunlight, such as your face, arms, neck, and even the tips of your ears. Choose a sunblock that has a high SPF factor of at least 50 and make sure to reapply regularly.

34 | ArborTIMES Summer 2024

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