ArborTimes™ Summer 2024

Administrative Outsourcing for Tree Care Overwhelmed by the tedious and mundane tasks associated with running a tree care business? Outsourcing could be the solution. By Mara Watts

As your tree care business grows, things get busier. And in today’s fast- paced, technology-driven world, seek- ing out ways to improve efficiency and reduce costs is a strategic business de- cision for remaining competitive. Tree care companies oen face unique challenges like managing sched- ules, customer inquiries, and invoic- ing alongside their core operations. Handing some of these tasks off to a third-party administrative service is one strategy many companies are choosing to pursue. “Outsourcing allows companies to off- load non-core activities to dedicated professionals,” Paula Veloza, vice pres- ident of commercial strategy at Tree Care Offi ce , explains. “This frees up time and resources to focus on core business activities like tree mainte- nance. Tree care companies need to focus on gaining more market share, working with their crews, and attract- ing more clients. That’s where out- sourcing becomes critical to their over- all business strategy.” MEETING A NEED In industries like tree care, business owners and their staff will oen take on more tasks than they can handle, resulting in overwhelm and eventually burnout. “While talking with tree care business owners, we saw a need,” Shayna Shad- owen, founder of My Office Help , says. “Owners are answering the phones while out in the field. Then they come home and push papers, send invoices, and return calls. As an external service provider, our goal is to provide freedom for these owners so they can go home and be with their families.”

Tree Care Office is a division of Vinali Group, which serves a variety of other industries that include health care, insurance, marketing, and business development.

Hunter Sambrick, owner of Inspire Green, Inc. , agrees that there is po- tential for outsourcing administrative tasks in the tree care industry. “Tree care companies are busy,” he says. “They have 10 to 12 weeks of in-season work to make most of their money. Some are in a 12-month mar- ket, but not everyone is. In my opinion,

outsourcing is one way to scale and grow a business.” INDUSTRY SPECIFIC SERVICES According to Sambrick, not just any ad- ministrative service will do. “Hiring an administrative service specialized in the tree care industry

52 | ArborTIMES Summer 2024

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