ArborTimes™ Summer 2024

It is important to be properly trained on safely using the big equipment. Hans Tielmann leads a Grapple Saw Safety Workshop during ArborEXPO '24.

form programs like Google Forms are free but do not work offline or may present other limitations. Pros to Forms: • Can sometimes accommodate sig- natures or other forms of acknowl- edgement • Can accommodate attachments or links • Can be prepared in advance and standardized • Can be converted to PDF • Can be used for field safety observa- tions or other data collection tasks • Can be used to deliver a video with a quiz attached that also captures the identity of the student. Here’s an example of a Google form that embeds a video and quiz and cap- tures participant emails. Go ahead and give it a try. Your results will be available immediately. • Can output data to spreadsheets that can also be configured to dis-

suitable for framing), can be tied to the employee record, and can oen be delivered electronically for employee acknowledgement or signature. • Note: The major drawback to enter- prise tools like HRIS and LMS is that they most likely won’t work offline and are not specifically designed to capture frequent training like tail- boards or JITT. They can also have a steep learning curve and have the po- tential to create an excess administra- tive burden. • Capture the training in an email. If you’re referencing any training doc- ument, you can provide a link or at- tachment in the email. A best prac- tice would be for the emails to be sent to an admin account or a train- ing manager. Then, the training can be entered in a spreadsheet and the email serves as a source document. • Invest in a forms program. Offline form programs like Jotform can work offline, are relatively low cost, and can be configured to display informa- tion on a custom dashboard. Other

play on dashboards • May include an option for a “Done With You” (DWY) service to reduce the learning curve and time to launch Cons to Forms: • Most don’t work offline • Can be expensive • Can come with a steep learning curve • Require backend maintenance and support • Most don’t include an affordable DWY option, which helps organize the backend. • No “Done For You” (DFY) option ex- ists for the tree care industry, leaving it to the company to design all the forms. Note: A DFY service would create the forms for you and set them up for you on your backend. WHAT COMPLIANCE TRAINING DOES OSHA REQUIRE? Although specific training require-

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